Lesson 11: Telephoning

 0    20 flashcards    Milan Pupezin
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Jane Johnson speaking.
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Mówi Jane Johnson.
This is Jane Johnson from Biotech.
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Tu Jane Johnson z Biotech.
How are things?
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Jak leci?
Fine, thanks. And you?
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Dzięki, a Ty?
Pretty good!
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Całkiem dobrze!
How can I help you?
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W czym mogę pomóc?
Could I speak to Tina Melis, please?
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Czy mógłbym porozmawiać z Tiną Melis?
Who's calling, please?
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Kto dzwoni?
Hold the line, please.
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Proszę się nie rozłączać.
I'll connect you/ I'll put you through
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Połączę cię
Extension 304
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Rozszerzenie 304
I'm sorry.Ms. Melis isn't here right now.
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Przykro mi. Pani Melis nie ma tu teraz.
Can I take a message?
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Czy mogę przekazać?
I'll call back later
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Zadzwonię później
direct line
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Linia bezpośrednia
Could you give me her direct line number?
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Czy możesz podać mi jej bezpośredni numer?
area code
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numer kierunkowy
country code
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numer kierunkowy kraju
00 22
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double oh double two

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