lekcja 14 cz II

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co potrzebujemy na lancz
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what we need for lunch
potrzebujemy jedzenia
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we need food
możemy zrobić kanapki
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We can make sandwiches
czy zrobisz mi kanapkę
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Will you make me a sandwich
zamierzam zrobić kanapkę
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I'm going to make a sandwich
co potrzebujemy do kanapek
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we need to sandwiches
do kanapek potrzebujemy chleb i ser
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for sandwiches we need bread and cheese
zrobimy kanapkę z chleba i sera
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we do a sandwich of bread and cheese
kanapka z serem
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sandwich with cheese
ser na chlebie
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cheese on bread
czy masz parasol
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Do you have an umbrella
tak mam parasol
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yes I have an umbrella
boli mnie gardło myślę że będę chory
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my throat hurts, I think I will be sick
tabletki na ból gardła
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pills for sore throat
czy potrzebujesz lekarstwo na przeziębienie
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do you need a cold medicine?
zimny poranek
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cold morning
zimna kawa
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cold coffee
zimne jedzenie
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cold food
zimna mi
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I'm cold
zimny ser
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cold cheese
zimny deszcz
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cold rain
zróbmy kanapkę z chlebem serem i sałatą
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let's make a sandwich with bread cheese and lettuce
kanapka z serem i sałate
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cheese sandwich and lettuce
lubię ten ser
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I like this cheese
ten ser śwtnie smakuje
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this cheese tastes great
co chcesz do swojej kanaki
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what do you want for your canoe
ja chce szynkę i pomidorado na kanapki
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I want ham and tomato for sandwiches
kanapka z szynką i pomidorem
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sandwich with ham and tomato
czy lubisz pomidory
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do you like tomatoes
7 pomidorów poproszę
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7 tomatoes, please
małe pomidorki
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small tomatoes
czy jesz szynkę
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Do you eat ham
nie nie jem szynki
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I do not eat ham
czy lubisz kanakę z szynką i serem
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do you like canak with ham and cheese
jaki rodzaj kanapek lubisz
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what kind of sandwiches you like
kanapki z szynką serem i pomidorem
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sandwiches with ham cheese and tomato
myślę że powinniśmy kupić wodę w butelce
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I think we should buy water in a bottle
woda w butelce na wycieczckę
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bottle water for a trip
potrzebuję wody
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I need water
jestem spragniony
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I'm thirsty
potrzebuję napić się wody
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I need to drink water
kupmy wodę
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let's buy water

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