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despite I went there/in spite of that I went there
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a pesar de eso fui allí
can you attach the picture?
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puedes adjuntar la foto?
switch off the air condition
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apaga el aire acondocionado
they are selling various devices
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venden varios aparatos
download the archive
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desgarga el archivo
it's not a pleasing matter
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no es un asunto bueno/agradable
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a plane
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el avión
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la basura
he's a drunk person
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es un borracho
our flight has been changed
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nuestro vuelo ha cambiado
i'm getting tired
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me estoy cansando (de)
we can chat if you want
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podemos chatear si queires
a spaceship
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el cohete
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el compacto
i like competing in many things
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me gusta competir en muchas cosas
we'll stay in touch
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nos comunicamos
can you connect to the internal site?
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puedes connectarte a la pagina internal?
how annoying (of being lazy)
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que coňazo
the post office
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Los Correos
and what the others?
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a que los demás?
you have to refer/turn to our boss
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tienes que dirigirte a nuestro jefe/nustra jefa
she has a nice charm
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tiene buen encanto
can you switch on the light?
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puedes apagar la luz? puedes encender?
can you ligh up a candle?
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puedea encendes una vela?
after all we won
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en fin ganamos
i'm gonna send you a file
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voy a mandarte un fichero
a scream
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el grito
he's bunking off/skipping classes/playing hookey
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hace pellas/novillos
it's not human
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no es humano
how was your childhood?
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que tal tu infancía?
stop interrupting me
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no me interrumpas!
being flooded
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estar inundado
be in pension, be retired/in retirement
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estar jubilado
she feeds me
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me sigue alimenta
i was born in Czech Republic
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nací en la republica checa
i reject
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me niego
i rejected the offcer
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me he negado lam oferta, me negué la oferta
i have a thought
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tengo un pensamiento
i laugh
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me río
don't laught at me
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no te rías de mí
the stamp on the envelope
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el sello
it serves well
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se sirve bien
i just smile
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solo me sonrío
why are you smiling at me?
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porque te sonríes de mí?
there is a free counter for paying
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hay una taquilla libre para pagar
it's very useful
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es muy útil
a business journey
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el viaje de negocios

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