Kultivi # 87

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On the weekends, I like to eat fish and drink wine.
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Nos fins de semana, gosto de comer peixe e beber vinho.
She likes to eat bread and cheese.
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Ela gosta de comer pão e queijo.
He likes to eat cheese and ham in the morning.
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Ele gosta de comer queijo e presunto de manhã.
They like to drink soda for lunch.
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Eles gostam de beber refrigerante no almoço.
I like to drink milk and coffee for dinner.
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Eu gosto de beber leite e café no jantar.
You like to have fresh fruit juice for breakfast.
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Você gosta de tomar suco de frutas frescas no café da manhã.
It likes to eat seeds and worms on the ground.
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Gosta de comer sementes e vermes no chão.
The cat likes to eat fish and meat under the bed.
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O gato gosta de comer peixe e carne debaixo da cama.
We like to eat bread, drink wine and have soup at dinner time.
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Gostamos de comer pão, beber vinho e tomar sopa na hora do jantar.
We like to have bread, milk and soup at dinner time.
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Gostamos de comer pão, leite e sopa na hora do jantar.
She needs to eat before taking the shower.
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Ela precisa comer antes de tomar banho.
He needs to eat the salad without any spice.
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Ele precisa comer a salada sem tempero.
They need to drink more water if they want to improve their health.
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Eles precisam beber mais água se quiserem melhorar sua saúde.
I need to drink some wine before I start dancing.
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Eu preciso beber um pouco de vinho antes de começar a dançar.
You need to have a little bit of that dessert.
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Você precisa ter um pouco dessa sobremesa.
It needs to eat more, I think that dog is sick.
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Precisa comer mais, acho que o cachorro está doente.

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