Ketrin 29th July (45 min)

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Question Answer
I wish I ... (to know) it now.
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I wish I knew it now.
I wish I ... (to know) it then.
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I wish I had known it then.
I wish I ... taller.
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I wish I were taller.
She wishes she ... shorter.
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She wishes she were shorter.
I wish he ... stop staring at me.
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I wish he would stop staring at me.
nude swimming
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skinny dipping
They tiptoed out of the hotel for some midnight skinny-dipping.
This organism is too small to ... eye.
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This organism is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
far away
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Australia is large, and remote from the great centres of population of the world.
the other way...
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the other way round
strong cloth made from the fibres of the flax plant
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with the inside part facing out
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inside out
She put her sweater on inside out.
with the back part of something where the front should be
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back to front
You've put your jumper on back to front.
an area of land that is protected in order to keep safe the animals and plants that live there, often because they are rare
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nature reserve
... your hair pink?
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IS your hair pink?
If he ... taller, he would play basketball professionally.
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If he WERE taller, he would play basketball professionally.

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