Kasia 21st Aug (45 min)

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a halo
narzekać na coś
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to complain ABOUT sth
Stop complaining about the weather.
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to earn
She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
pieniądze mają siłę przekonywania
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money talks
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hold on
brak wiadomości to dobra wiadomość
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no news is good news
przepis na ciasto
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a recipe
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a prescription
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jedna z dziewczyn
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one of the girls
jedna z nauczycielek
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one of the teachers
wysłaś coś komuś
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to post sth to sb / to post sb sth
Is it OK if I post the documents to you next week? / Is it OK if I post you the documents next week?
wysłać wiadomość do kogoś
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to message sb / to text sb
podrobić coś
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to forge sth
podrobiony paszport
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a forged passport
a forged signature
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a pharmacist
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a signature
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a fraud
Byłam wściekła.
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I hit the roof. / I was mad. / I was outraged. / I was furious.
To było skandaliczne / oburzające.
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It was outrageous.
dotrzeć do sedna czegoś
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to get to the bottom of it
I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm determined to get to the bottom of it.
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a misunderstanding
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obligatory / mandatory
odpowiednik czegoś / substytut
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a substitute FOR sth
Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother.
There's no substitute for hard work.
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a receipt
Would you like a receipt?

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