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poniżający np. praca
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demeaning np. demeaning work
przeszkoda, utrudnienie, niepełnosprawność
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prawdopodobnie, mozliwie
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przesunac, przestawic
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istotny, znaczacy np. znaczaca uwaga
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relevent np. point was relevent
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an injection
przeciwstawienie sie, opor
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zblizajacy sie
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pobudzac, zwiekszac np energie
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out of work
szersza perspektywa
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big picture
miec sklonnosci
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have a tendency, tend to do sth
ponizac, zniewazac
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demean, insult
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pracownik fizyczny
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a blue collar worker, laborer
praca na czarno
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work illegally
praca dorywcza, praca na pół etatu, praca w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
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part-time job, Many students at our university have part-time jobs
nadzorc, przelozony
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supervisor, If you have any questions please ask supervisior.
wypuścić produkt
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launch a product, launch a product
wprowadzić na rynek
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launch into the market, When should we launch the product into the Asian market?
opracować, opracowywać w szczegółach, szczegółowo omówić
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elaborate on, We will elaborate on the project tomorrow
szczegółowe opracowanie, szczegółowe omówienie
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personel działu sprzedaży
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sales force
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a bribe, He is known for taking bribes.
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commission, We take 1.5% commission, no less than 5 pounds
wizerunek marki
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brand image
nisza na rynku
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niche in the market. The spotted niche in the market with no serious competition
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senior citizen
obciążenie robocze (ilość pracy do wykonania), obciążenie pracą
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working loadThe translation office employed another translator to cope with the workload.,
doradca, konsultant
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advisor, My advisior told me not sign that document until i consult it with the lawayr
zgodzić się na warunki
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agree on the terms, They didn’t agree on the terms of delivery.
zaoferować warunki
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offer the terms, We can offer these terms provided you place a substantial order
utknac w sytuacji bez wyjscia
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reach a deadlock, When the negitiation reached a deadlock wd decided to postpone it till next week
przelamac sytuacje bez wyjscia
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break the deadlock, We tried to break the deadlock but we failed and we didn't sign an agreement
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concession, Meybe we can negotiate a concession regardig the deal
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stawiajace wysokie wymagania
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wartosciowy, oplacalny
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praca, robota, harówka, trud, wysiłek
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praca niewolnicza
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slave labor
zostawic wiadomosc
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to leave a message
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coworker, What is happening with you and your co-worker?
kusic, zachęcać, zwabić
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tempt, entice, Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.
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a broker
pod warunkiem ze
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on condition that, provided that, as long as
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groom, Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior rules.
złośliwe oprogramowanie
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Malware (czyt. malłe)
sposób na osiągnięcie czegoś
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measures, I will use all measures necessary to accomplish this mission
(wyłudzanie poufnych informacji osobistych przez podszywanie się jakąś osobę lub instytucję
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platny, nalezny
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due, The bill was due until today
gospodyni domowa
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tworzyc popyt
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create demand, It is widely that advertstising create demand for a product.
zaspokoic popyt
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meet demand, We need to increase our product to meet the demand our customers.
placa, zarobki(wyplacana za wykonana prace np tygodniowa)
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wage (lejdż)
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daily wage(łejdż)
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self-sufficiency, Your self-sufficiency is admirable.
złożyć zamówienie
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to place an order,: I would like to place an order for twenty CDs.
sprzecznosc interesow
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conflict of interests
przyszlosciowy, perspektywiczny
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perspective, prospective
dobrze prosperowac, kwitnac o interesach
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flourish, My few buisnesses are flourishing.
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praktyka (studentcka), staż
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próba, usiłowanie
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endeavour (edewer), Please make every endeavour to arrive on time
koncert, praca dorywcza
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gig, How many gigs have you held?
dzien wolny od pracy
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day off
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Entrepreneur (outerprenue)
pracować w systemie zmianowym
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work shifts, If you work shifts your biological clock can deregulate
dzienna/nocna zmiana
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daily / night shift, I'm on the early shift tomorrow.
zostać zwolnionym z pracy podczas redukcji etatów
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be made redundant
mieć z czymś wcześniej do czynienia
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have previous experience, Do you have any previous experience of this type of work
doświadczenie praktyczne
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practical experience,: I didn’t get the job due to my lack of practical experience in the field
dziedzina, obszar (badań, pracy lub zainteresowań)
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field, I'm an expert in this particular field
zostać zganionym za coś
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be reprimanded for something, Jane was severely reprimanded for her unprofessional behaviour
otrzymać naganę
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receive a reprimand, The employees who smoked at the entrance to the office received a reprimand
nużyć, męczyć, zmęczenie, znużenie
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fatigue, I'm feeling fatigue after the whole day of running.

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