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Question Answer
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Where were you on the 5th May 2018?
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¿Dónde estabas el 5 de mayo de 2018?
Tell us about that day. What happened?
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Cuéntanos sobre ese día. ¿Que pasó?
What happened next?
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¿Qué pasó después?
How did he look phisically when you saw him?
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¿Cómo era fisicamente cuando lo viste?
What time was it when you saw him?
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¿Qué hora era cuando lo vio?
Could you see the incident clearly?
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¿Podrías ver el incidente claramente?
What was the weather like at that time?
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Que tiempo hacía en ese momento?
Was it raining? Snowing? Foggy?
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¿Estaba lloviendo? Nevando? ¿Brumoso?
How do you know Mr X?
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¿Cómo conoces al señor X?
Were you friends back then?
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¿Eran amigos entonces?
Who was that man? did you recognise him?
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¿Quién era ese hombre? ¿Lo reconociste?
Did you hear anything untypical?
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¿Escuchaste algo atípico?
Did you see anthing unusual?
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¿Viste algo extraño?
How was that man dressed? Did he wear uniform?
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¿Cómo estaba vestido ese hombre? ¿Llevaba uniforme?
Did he have any insignia on his uniform?
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¿Tenía alguna insignia en su uniforme?
Was it police or military uniform?
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¿Era uniforme policial o militar?
Where did you go from there?
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¿A dónde fuiste desde allí?
Was he armed? Did he have a knife, machette or oistol on him?
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¿Estaba armado? ¿Tenía un cuchillo, machette u pistola sobre él?
Did you see him fire his gun?
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¿Lo viste disparar su arma?
Did you see him stab anyone? Who was that victim?
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¿Lo viste apuñalar a alguien? ¿Quién fue esa víctima?
Did you see any property burning?
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¿Vio alguna propiedad en llamas?
Did you see the defendant burn something?
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¿Vio al acusado quemar algo?
Did you see other people there besides the defendant?
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¿Vio a otras personas allí a parte del acusado?
Was the accused alone or in a group? Did you recognise anyone from that group?
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¿Estaba el acusado solo o en grupo? ¿Reconociste a alguien de ese grupo?
Did you see the accused sexually assault anyone there?
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¿Vio al acusado agredir sexualmente a alguien allí?
Did you witness any incident of rape in that village?
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¿Viste algún incidente de violación en ese pueblo?
Did you report that crime to any authority, like the Police?
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¿Denunció ese crimen a alguna autoridad, como la Policía?
How many statements did you give to Police?
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¿Cuántas declaraciones le diste a la policía?
Do you stand by your previous statement that you gave on 27 August 1988?
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¿Mantiene su declaración anterior que hizo el 27 de agosto de 1988?
Did you give a statement on 27 August 1988? Do you confirm it?
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¿Hiciste una declaración el 27 de agosto de 1988? ¿Lo confirmas?
Please take a look at your statement. is that your signature underneath?
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Por favor, eche un vistazo a su declaración. ¿Es esa tu firma debajo?
An attack took place on a small village in Guatemala on 27 August 1982.
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Un ataque tuvo lugar en una pequeña aldea en Guatemala el 27 de agosto de 1982.
Ten villagers, including 3 women died in the attack.
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Diez aldeanos, incluidas 3 mujeres, murieron en el ataque.
There are indications that one woman was raped by the attackers.
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Hay indicios de que una mujer fue violada por los atacantes.
Most of the houses in the village were burned.
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La mayoría de las casas en el pueblo fueron quemadas.
There was only one witness of the incident, an old man named Juan
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Solo hubo un testigo del incidente, un anciano llamado Juan
It seems that Juan witnessed everything what happened.
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Parece que Juan fue testigo de todo lo que sucedió.
Go to the village and interview all remaining witnesses.
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Ve al pueblo y entrevista a todos los testigos restantes.
Where were you when the attack started
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¿Dónde estabas cuando comenzó el ataque?
Were there any similar attacks on your village?
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¿Hubo algún ataque similar en tu pueblo?
Could you describe how the attackers look? did you recognize any of them?
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¿Podría describir cómo se ven los atacantes? ¿Reconociste alguno de ellos?
What is the name of the person who raped your neighbour’s daughter?
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¿Cómo se llama la persona que violó a la hija de su vecino?
What are the names of those who were killed? How did they die? how were they killed?
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¿Cómo se llaman los que fueron asesinados? ¿Como murieron? ¿Cómo fueron asesinados?
Was he killed by knife? By assault rifle?
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¿Lo mataron con un cuchillo? ¿Por rifle de asalto?
How did they set houses on fire? Did you see them throw grenades?
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¿Cómo incendiaron casas? ¿Los viste lanzar granadas?
I suggest that we hold a mock interview of a witness on the following incident
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Sugiero que hagamos una entrevista simulada de un testigo sobre el siguiente incidente
My role would be that of a fiscal and yours that of a witness
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Mi papel sería el de fiscal y el tuyo el de testigo
Could you describe that gun? How did it look?
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¿Podría describir esa arma? ¿Cómo se veía?
Did that object have any distinctive features?
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¿Ese objeto tenía alguna característica distintiva?
Rape means that a person is forced into sexual act without consent
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Violación significa que una persona es forzada a tener actos sexuales sin consentimiento
Other forms of sexual assault
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Otras formas de agresión sexual
She is a victim of domestic violence
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Es victima de violencia domestica (violencia en el hogar)
Warsaw possesses excellent locations for investment
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Varsovia posee excelentes ubicaciones para la inversión
What does he look like?
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¿Cómo se ve él?
Thank you very much for coming
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Muchas gracias por haber venido
Do you know why you have been summoned to this court?
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¿Sabes por qué te han convocado a este tribunal?
How did you first meet the accused?
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¿Cómo conociste al acusado?
Act typified as murder when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack
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acto tipificado como asesinato cuando se cometa como parte de un ataque generalizado o sistemático contra una población civil y con conocimiento de dicho ataque
Could you state your name and surname for the record?
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¿Podría indicar su nombre y apellido para el registro?
What did he look like?
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¿Como se veia?
I change your class at 2 on Friday
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Te cambio la clase a las 2 el viernes
How was your brother killed?
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¿Cómo fue asesinado tu hermano?
What was the distance between you and the place where the incident took place?
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¿Cuál fue la distancia entre usted y el lugar donde ocurrió el incidente?
Where did you live at that time? What was your addresse?
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¿Dónde vivías en ese momento? ¿Cuál fue tu dirección?
Who were your neighbours then?
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¿Quiénes eran tus vecinos entonces?
What did he do after he had killed that woman?
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¿Qué hizo después de haber matado a esa mujer?
What did you do after having escaped from the village?
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¿Qué hiciste después de haber escapado del pueblo?
Please continue with your statement.
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Por favor continúe con su declaración.
Why didn’t you inform the police immediately after the incident?
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¿Por qué no informaste a la policía inmediatamente después del incidente?
Did you call the police?
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¿Llamó a la policía?
Why didn’t you call the police?
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¿Por qué no llamaste a la policía?
Have you seen him since that day?
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¿Lo has visto desde ese día?
Did the accused contact you to withdraw your statement? Why did he call you?
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¿El acusado se contactó con usted para retirar su declaración? ¿Por qué te llamó?
Did anyone threaten you to change your statement?
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¿Alguien te amenazó para cambiar tu declaración?
Where did you hide?
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¿Dónde te escondiste?
How long did the incident last?
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¿Cuánto duró el incidente?
Do you remember any deatails concerning that car?
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¿Recuerdas algún detalle acerca de ese auto?
How did the soldiers come to the village? By car? On foot?
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¿Cómo llegaron los soldados al pueblo? En coche? ¿A pie?
Did you see any military equipment such as tanks or armoured vehicles?
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¿Viste algún equipo militar como tanques o vehículos blindados?
They used machine guns to kill the victims.
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Usaron ametralladoras para matar a las víctimas.
How did they look physically?
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Como eran fisicamente?
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gafas - anteojos
He fired his shotgun
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El disparó su escopeta
The attackers took a woman and her daughter to the forest.
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Los atacantes cogieron a una mujer y su hija al bosque.
The attackers fled.
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Los atacantes se dieron a la fuga.
Me and other women ran away.
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Yo y otras mujeres salimos huyendo.
I saw them in passing
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Los vi de pasada
I only found there a couple of bullet shells
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Solo encontré alli un par de casquillos
We stopped eating meat 2 months ago
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Dejamos de comer carne hace 2 meses
Can you describe him physically?
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Puede describirlo fisicamente?
What did he look like?
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?Que aspecto tenía?
?How does she look like?
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?Que aspecto tiene?
Can you describe him physically?
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Puede describirlo fisicamente?
Were you accompanied by someone that day?
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Estaba acompañado por alguien aquel día?
Who were you with at the time when the events occurred?
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Con quien estaba en el momento cuando ocurrieron los hechos?
Remember how that man was dressed?
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Recuerda cómo estaba vestido aquel hombre?
Could you tell me where you were when the attack began?
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Podría indicarme donde estaba usted cuándo empezó el ataque?
Could you recognize that man?
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Podría reconocer a ese hombre?
What do you think if we take a short break?
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Qué le parece si hacemos un pequeño descanso?
If you need to rest, do not hesitate to tell me.
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Si necesitas descansar no dudes en decírmelo.
Did he wear a military or police uniform?
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Llevaba uniforme militar o de policía?
Do you remember the type of weapon he carried?
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Recuerdas el tipo de arma que llevaba?
Did you see how he fired the gun?
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Vio usted como disparaba el arma?
We have been on a meatless diet since December.
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Hemos estado a dieta sin carne desde diciembre.
Do you remember if he was wearing a uniform?
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Recuerda si vestía uniforme?
Were there other similar attacks in other locations or close to yours?
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Hubo otros ataques similares en otras localidades o cercanas a la suya?
Could you describe the attackers?
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Podría describir a los atacantes?
Could you describe the weapons they carried?
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Podrías describir las armas que portaban?
Many Albanians carry / carry weapons
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Muchos albaneses portan/llevan armas
Where did he live at that time?
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Donde vivía en aquel momento?
Could you tell me who your neighbors were then?
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Podría indicarme quienes eran sus vecinos entonces?
Tell me about your neighbors.
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Hableme sobre sus vecinos.
What did the accused do after hurting the woman?
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Que hizó el acusado después de herir a la mujer?
Have you seen your family since that day?
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Ha visto a sus familiares desde aquel día?
Has anyone contacted you to withdraw your testimony?
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Alguien le ha contactado para que retire su testimonio?
Have you been threatened or coerced to withdraw your testimony?
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Ha sido amenazado o coaccionado para retirar su testimonio?
Has anyone threatened you to change your testimony?
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Alguien le ha amenazado para cambiar su testimonio?
Did the attackers wear balaclavas?
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Llevaban los atacantes pasamontañas?
Did the defendant wear glasses?
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Llevaba el acusado gafas?
If you miss me, send me the postcard.
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Si me echas de menos, mandame la postal.
What I find in my mailbox are ads and invoices.
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Lo que encuentro en mi buzón son propaganda y facturas.
strangers from all over the world send me letters
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desconocidos de todo el mundo me envian cartas
It's easy to get hooked on video games
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Es facil engancharse a videojuegos
Registration is free.
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La inscripción es gratuita.
Put the stamps on the card and put it in the mailbox.
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Pon los sellos en la tarjeta y echarla al buzón.
The only cost of participating in this game is the price of the post stamps
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El unico coste de participar en este juego es el precio de los sellos
The system is designed differently
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El sistema está diseñado de distinta manera
It is an occasion to visit sites that you did not even know existed.
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Es una ocasión para visitar los sitios que ni sabías que existían.
You can leave your testimony on the website
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Puedes dejar tu testimonio en la pagina web
There are many advantages of this entertainment
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Hay muchas ventajas de este entretenimiento
For cross-fit fans this course is a gold mine
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Para los aficionados a cross-fit este curso es un filón.
Nothing prevents us from using other languages
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Nada nos impide usar otras lenguas
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el cartero
The mailman brought me the strange envelope
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El cartero me trajo el sobre extraño
If you know foreign languages there are no idiomatic barriers for you
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Si sabes idiomas extranjeros no hay barreras idiomáticas para ti
He launched his company in 1985
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Él lanzó su empresa en 1985
Participants in this course come from all over the world
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Los participantes en este curso proceden de todo el mundo
The US occupies one of the first places in terms of prosecutors employed in international courts.
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EEUU ocupa uno de los primeros lugares en cuanto a las fiscales empleados en tribunales internacionales.
This hobby does not yet have so many followers
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Este pasatiempo aún no tiene tantos seguidores
Internet makes the world a smaller and happier place.
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Internet hace el mundo un lugar más pequeño y feliz.
You can experience new friendships in Spain
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Puedes experimentar nuevas amistades en España
Poland put into circulation many fake news
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Polonia puso en circulación muchas noticias falsas
The person behind Mr. Y's success
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La persona detras del exito de señor Y
Lukasz pointed out that the attackers used sticks and chains
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Lukasz apuntó que los atacantes usarón palos y cadenas
Albanian businessmen often make fortunes by laundering money
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Los empresarios albaneses a menudo hacen fortunas lavando dinero
Diplomats should never wear shirts with short sleeves
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Los diplomáticos nunca deben usar camisas con mangas cortas
Spanish officials enjoy job security, fixed salary and good hours
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Funcionarios españoles disfrutan de seguridad laboral, sueldo fijo y buenos horarios
Many students enter the official exam each year to become prosecutors
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Muchos estudiantes opositan cada año para hacerse fiscales
Prosecutiin is a dream job for many
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Fiscalia es un trabajo soñado por muchos
Few manage to get this job because of the difficulty of the selection process
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Pocos logran conseguir este trabajo por la dificultad de proceso de selección
Could you clarify what do you mean by that?
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¿Podría aclarar qué quiere decir con eso?
An official is a person who performs a public job
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Un funcionario es aquella persona que desenpeña un empleo publico
Advocates can compete for different jobs in SPOo
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Abogadis pueden opositar para diferentes puestos de trabajo en SPOo
This test has a set of questions judged by the commission
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Esta prueba tiene un conjunto de preguntas juzgadas por la comision
Last year I failed 3 entry exams fir the positions of bosses
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El año pasado suspendi 3 oposiciones para puestos de jefes
To achieve the desired position you have to stand out professionally
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Para conseguir el puesto deseado hay que destacar profesionalmente
A university degree is required for this position
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Para este puesto es requerido un titulo universitario
Once hired, it's almost impossible to get kicked out of your job
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Una vez contratado, es casi imposible que te echen de tu puesto de trabajo
Working for the EU you can reconcile work and personal life
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Trabajando para UE puedes conciliar trabajo y vida personal
Officials enjoy a large number of vacation days
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Funcionarios disfrutan de un gran numero de dias de vacaciones
My family has access to private healthcare
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Mi familia tiene acceso a la sanidad privada
In carrying out the investigation, many factors must be taken into account
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Llevando a cabo la investigacion hay que tener en cuenta muchos factores
There is a bad work environment in my office
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Hay un mal ambiente laboral en mi oficina
Juan gets along badly with his coworkers
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Juan se lleva mal con sus compañeros de trabajo
My brother is an entrepreneurial person
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Mi hermano es una persona de mente emprendedora
Patricia's dreams can collide with reality
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Patricia’s sueños pueden chocarse con realidad
I am a very ambitious person
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Soy una persona muy ambiciosa
There are few opportunities to advance in the professional career
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Hay pocas oportunidades de ascender en la carrera profesional
We live in uncertain times with little job stability
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Vivimos en tiempos inciertos con poca estabilidad laboral
Opponents have to perform oral tests in front of an interview panel
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Los opositores tienen que realizar las pruebas orales delante de un panel de entrevista
I am an official, I have achieved it!
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Soy funcionario, lo he conseguido!
I spend 10 hours a day behind my desk
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Paso 10 horas al día detrás de mi escritorio
Millionaires spend fortunes on their whims
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Los milionarios gastan fortunas en sus caprichos
Our finances are in the state of chaos
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Nuestras finanzas se encuentran en el estado de caos
We should control our expenses
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Deberiamos controlar nuestros gastos
Hunger is a bigger impulse than willpower
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El hambre es un impulso más grande que la fuerza de voluntad
I go shopping for pure boredom
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Voy de compras po puro aburrimiento
When you approach the cash register
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Cuando te acercas a la caja registradora
You are in front of the mobile, browsing without a defined purpose
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Estas delante del móvil, navegando sin propósito definido
Suddenly a car ad appeared
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De repente apareció un anuncio del coche
It was no accident that we met at that bar
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No era casualidad que nos encontremos en ese bar
Without thinking twice you click the ad and buy this product
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Sin pensarlo dos veces cliques el anuncio y compras este producto
I won the competition in no time at all
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Gané la competencia en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
I take from home all my lunch
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Llevo de casa todo mi almuerzo
Grab the cereal bar from the dispensing machine
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Coga la barrita de cereales de la máquina dispensadora
It was not possible to reach an agreement
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No era posible llegar a un acuerdo
The departure of the United Kingdom has left a hole of 65000 million
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La marcha de Reino Unido ha dejado un agujero de 65000 millones
The European summit failed on European budgets
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La cumbre europea fracaso sobre los presupuestos europeos
The differences are still too big to reach an agreement, "German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced.
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Las diferencias siguen siendo demasiado grandes para llegar a un acuerdo" anunciaba la canciller alemana Angela Merkel
A group of 17 countries, including Spain, that refuse to make cuts
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Un grupo de 17 países, entre ellos España, que se niegan a hacer recortes
United Kingdom, a net taxpayer - contributed more than it received
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Reino Unido, un contribuyente neto -aportaba más de lo que recibía
The proposal that serves as a basis for negotiation raises a 1% allocation of Gross National Income (GNI)
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La propuesta que sirve de base para la negociación plantea una dotación de 1 % de la Renta Nacional Bruta (RNB)
Sanchez has added that in recent months they have agreed on an EU strategic agenda for the next 5 years
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Sanchez ha añadido que en los últimos meses han acordado una agenda estratégica de la UE para los próximos 5 años
Valentine's Day is coming
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Se acerca el dia de San Valentin
Love is feeling towards another person that naturally attracts us
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El amor es sentimiento hacia otra persona que naturalmente nos atrae
When we think of London what comes to mind is Big Ben
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Cuando pensamos en Londres lo que nos viene a la mente es Big Ben
Love is found when two people reciprocally feel a pure love
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El amor se encuentra cuando dos personas sienten reciprocamente un amor puro
This feeling is genuine.
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Este sentimiento es genuino
Brad Pitt has all the qualities we associate with the ideal actor
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Brad Pitt tiene todas las cualidades que asociamos con el actor ideal
The clandestine operation is one that the government hides from the world
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La operación clandestina es una que el gobierno oculta al mundo
I deployed the police in search for the remaining witnesses
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Desplegué a la policía en busca de los testigos restantes.
My wife is my better half in every way
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Mi esposa es mi media naranja en todos los sentidos
The search for credible witnesses may be to no avail
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La búsqueda de testigos creíbles puede ser en vano
The god Zeus got angry with the vanity of the people
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El dios Zeus se enfadó con la vanidad de la gente
Zeus decided to punish his enemies
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Zeus decidió castigar sus enemigos
I've always gone through life looking for happiness
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Siempre he ido por la vida buscando felicidad
I want to get this job and therefore I study hard every day
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Deseo conseguir este trabajo y por lo tanto estudio mucho cada día
Senator Bernie Sanders is the big winner in the elections
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El senador Bernie Sanders es el gran vencedor en las elecciones
I thank the people of Nevada for their support
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Agradezco a la gente de Nevada por su apoyo
Biden lost in the worst debate ever
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Biden perdió en el peor debate de la historia
According to polls, 53% of Latinos voted for Sanders due to his economic plans
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Según sondeos el 53% de los latinos votaron por Sanders debido a sus planes economicas
The technology can be adapted to civil uses such as the fight against forest fires
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La tecnología se puede adaptar a usos civiles como la lucha contra los incendios forestales
Many European companies are focused on defense
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Muchas empresas europeas son enfocadas en defensa
During these meetings prosecutors can share their experiences
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Durante esas reuniones fiscales pueden compartir sus experiencias
How does the network make companies grow and succeed?
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Cómo logra la red hacer que las empresas puedan crecer y tener éxito?
This working group focuses on artificial intelligence
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Este grupo de trabajo se centra en la inteligencia artificial
This program helps our SMEs to grow
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Este programa ayuda a nuestras pymes a crecer
How can I get in touch with other companies?
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Como puedo ponerme en contacto con otras empresas?
New inventions in the field of AI generate new sources of revenue for companies
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Nuevas invenciones en el campo de IA generan nuevas fuentes de ingresos para las empresas
Small and medium enterprises
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Las pequeñas y medianas empresas
SMEs play a central role in supply chains
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Pymes desempeñan un papel central en las cadenas de suministro
The EU wants SMEs to take full advantage of the Commission's available support
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La UE quiere que las pymes aprovechen al máximo el apoyo disponible de la Comisión
In the US, research institutions cooperate well with companies
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En EEUU las instituciones de investigación cooperan bién con las empresas
We must encourage prosecutors to specialize
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Debemos fomentar a los fiscales a especializarse
Spain can be a collateral victim of the 5 G war
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España puede ser una victima colateral de la guerra del 5 G
The technological giant Huswei is responsible for developing the 5 G network
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El gigante tecnológico Huswei se encarga de desarrollar la red 5 G
The cooperation of the powerful American intelligence is key for Spain
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La cooperación de la poderosa inteligencia estadounidense es clave para España
The Trump Administration accuses Huawei of being a potential spy at the service of China
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La Administración Trump acusa a Huawei para ser un espía potencial al servicio de China
For months, the US is pressing the entire EU to opt for other alternatives
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Desde hace meses, EEUU está presionando a toda la UE para que opten por otras alternativas
Huawei is very competitive in a 5G field
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Huawei es muy competitivo en un campo de 5 G
EU places restrictions on 5G deployment
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UE pone restriciones para el despliegue del 5 G
Huawei vehemently rejected the accusations of espionage
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Huawei rechazó con vehemencia las acusaciones de espionaje
There are at least 15 people injured in Germany
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Hay al menos 15 personas heridas en Alemania
The witnesses had the impression that the driver had as main objective the children
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Los testigos tenían la impresión de que el conductor tenía como objetivo principal a los niños
Witnesses have described that the driver of a gray Mercedes car crossed the barrier in the procession
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Los testigos han descrito que el conductor de un coche Mercedes gris atravesó la barrera en la procesión
Juan advanced at full speed towards the crowd
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Juan avanzó a toda velocidad hacia la multitud
The authorities have asked citizens not to publish images of the incident on social networks
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Las autoridades han pedido a los ciudadanos que no publiquen imágenes del incidente en las redes sociales
Since then, German authorities have thwarted nine of those attacks, including two in November 2019,
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Desde entonces, las autoridades alemanas han frustrado nueve de esos ataques, incluidos dos en noviembre de 2019,
the authorities also face the threat of far-right terrorism
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las autoridades también se enfrentan a la amenaza del terrorismo de extrema derecha
Hesse is precisely where last Wednesday there was a xenophobic attack against two bars of water pipe smokers
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Hesse es precisamente donde el pasado miércoles se produjo un atentado xenófobo contra dos bares de fumadores de pipas de agua
In the Land of Hesse yesterday there were regional elections in which he won the SPD (Social Democrats) along with the Greens
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En el Land de Hesse hubo ayer elecciones regionales en las que ganó el SPD (Socialdemócratas) junto con los Verdes
AfD won 2% of votes and stayed out of parliament
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AfD logro el 2% de votos y se quedo fuera del parlamento
He has been acquitted of the most serious crimes of which he was accused and for which he faced life sentences
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ha sido absuelto de los delitos más graves de los que estaba acusado y por los que se enfrentaba a penas de cadena perpetua
No need to change the reservation
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No hace falta cambiar la reserva
Weinstein was convicted of sexual assault and rape
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Weinstein fue declarado culpable de agresión sexual y violación
I am planning to buy myself a new smartwatch that tracks my swimming progress
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Estoy planeando comprarme un nuevo reloj inteligente que sigue mi progreso en la natación
emotional detachment
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desapego emocional
The best physicists and biologists are Jews
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Los mejores fisicos y biólogos son judios
Some people question that we landed on the Moon
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Algunas personas cuestionan que aterrizamos en la Luna
Elon Musk builds and launches cheap but reliable space rockets
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Elon Musk construye y lanza cohetes espaciales baratos pero confiables
Many people in the US deny scientific evidence
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Mucha gente en EEUU niegan la evidencia scientifica
It seems unthinkable but many people still believe that the Earth is flat
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Parece impensable, pero muchas personas todavía creen que la Tierra es plana
As a prosecutor you need to detach yoursrlf emotionally from the case
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Como fiscal, debe separarse emocionalmente del caso
Arrest order was issued by Polish court
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La orden de arresto fue emitida por un tribunal polaco
Einstein’s equations are rather complicated to understand
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Las ecuaciones de Einstein son bastante complicadas de entender.
I am a deputy head of the unit
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Soy subdirector de la unidad
Shaban was the one who attended that conference
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Shaban fue quien asistió a esa conferencia
Every time I ask for help, he is on his coffee break.
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Cada vez que le pido ayuda está en su descanso.
His voice is rather monotonous
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Su voz es bastante monótona.
cybercrime is hard to prosecute
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el delito cibernético es difícil de enjuiciar
The Ministry of Justice prepared an on-line platform where you can find many useful templates
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El Ministerio de Justicia preparó una plataforma en línea donde puede encontrar muchas plantillas útiles.
The Greek authorities have moved there a large number of soldiers
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Las autoridades griegas han trasladado allí un gran número de soldados
Tear gas and stunning grenades
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Gas lacrimógeno y granadas aturdidoras
Police and army deploy in the fields while migrants try to break the fence.
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La policía y el Ejército se despliegan en los campos mientras los migrantes tratan de romper la valla.
Some migrants try to cross the border, but without luck.
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Algunos migrantes intentan cruzar la frontera, pero sin suerte.
After days of violent clashes, many have realized that they cannot win this battle.
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Después de días de violentos enfrentamientos, muchos se han dado cuenta de que no pueden ganar esta batalla.
Immigrants ask the country to open its borders.
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Los inmigrantes piden al país que abra sus fronteras.
The EU requires Turkia to respect the migration pact
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La UE exige a Turkia que respete el pacto migratorio
In Wuhan the numbers of deceased and infected people continue to fall
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En Wuhan siguen bajando las cifras de fallecidos y contagiados
This disease that worldwide has left more than 3,000 dead and 90,000 affected
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Este enfermedad que en todo el mundo ha dejado más de 3.000 muertos y 90.000 afectados
Press conference
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rueda de prensa
We are in an uncharted territory
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Estamos en un territorio desconocido
We have never seen a respiratory pathogen that is capable of transmitting so quickly.
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Nunca hemos visto antes un patógeno respiratorio que sea capaz de transmitirse tan rapido
I have a former partner who has become ill, so obviously it is worrying
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Tengo un antiguo compañero que ha enfermado, así que obviamente es preocupante
We know that other people are also affected
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Sabemos que otras personas también están afectadas
I only wash my hands, and when the family comes to my house, we say hello, but we don't kiss
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Sólo me lavo las manos, y cuando la familia viene a mi casa, nos decimos hola, pero no nos besamos
The World Health Organization advises that each country has its own approach
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La Organización Mundial de la Salud aconseja que cada país tenga su propio enfoque
Joe Biden wins at least eight states in the super Tuesday
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Joe Biden gana al menos en ocho estados en el supermartes
What we need is a new policy that attracts people from the working class
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Lo que necesitamos es una nueva política que atraiga a las personas de la clase trabajadora
The final winner of these primaries will be the Democratic candidate for the White House, who will face the Republican
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El vencedor final de estas primarias será el candidato demócrata a la Casa Blanca, que se enfrentará al republicano
Biden trained as a lawyer
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Biden se formó como abogado
In addition, his two children were seriously injured.
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Además, sus dos hijos, resultaron gravemente heridos.
He maintained a very frank attitude in the 'Kosovo War
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Mantuvo una acitud muy franca en la 'Guerra de Kósovo
The course will probably be cancelled
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El curso probablemente será cancelado.
Mati is a naughty boy
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Mati es un niño travieso
Let’s talk about values.
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Hablemos de valores.
Everything is upside down
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Todo esta patas arriba
Maslow formulates in his theory a hierarchy of human needs.
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Maslow formula en su teoría una jerarquía de necesidades humanas.
need to feed and eliminate waste
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necesidad de alimentarse y eliminar los desechos
need to feel safe and secure
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necesidad de sentirse seguro y protegido
I just added you
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te acabo de agregar
See you right away
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Nos vemos enseguida

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