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road hog
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pirat drogowy
cleft stick
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unleasent situation
punch line
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end of a joke
elbow grease
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duży wysiłek fizyczny
nest egg
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money kept for specific situation
goose chase
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waste of time
home stretch
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Ostatnia prosta, last part of smthng
cupboard love
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fake love just to obtain something
hush money
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zapłata za milczenie
jet set
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fashionable rich people
finger and thumbs
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rack and ruin
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touch and go
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niepewna sytuacja
part and parcel
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nieodłączna część
old chestnut
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stary żart, not funny anymore
lame duck
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unsuccessful person
wet blanket
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someone who's boring
dead wood
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nieproduktywny pracownik, someone useless
eager beaver
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nadgorliwiec, willing to work hard

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