Honorata 21st June

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to turn sth up
Can you please turn it up?
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Nigdy nie byłem w Egipcie.
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I've never been TO Egypt.
do NOT day: I've never been in Egypt.
w moim dzieciństwie
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in my childhood
Ona jest przeziębiona.
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She has a cold.
po pandemii
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after the pandemic
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błędne koło
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a vicious cicrle
Ona ma gorączkę.
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She has A fever.
To była strata czasu.
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It was a waste of time.
Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle.
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a course
I did a course in psychology.
przystąpić do ezgaminu / testu
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to take an exam / to take a test
I took a driving test last week.
to nie wystarczy / to za mało
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it's not enough
Jak to się nazywa po angielsku?
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WHAT is it called in English?
opiekować się kimś
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to look after sb
My brother is looking after my daughters today.
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do NOT pronounce L in HALF
jest jak jest
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it is what it is
On jest w wieku mojego ojca.
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He's my father's age.
po kilku lekcjach przyzwyczaiłem się do niego
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after a few lessons I got used to him
Oznacza to, że w tym roku nie możemy wyjechać na wakacje.
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It means that we can't go on holiday this year.
do NOT say: its mean
czas gramatyczny
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do NOT say: time
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He only has a basic command of English
Jestem w drodze do domu.
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I'm on my way home.
złożyć skargę
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to file a complaint
uczeń (starszy)
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a student
przełożyć coś na później
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to put sth off
I'd like to put this meeting off until next week.
Zebrałam się w garść.
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I pulled myself together.
Jest w wieku mojej córki.
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He is my daughter's age.
do NOT say: he's IN my daughter's age.
Kiedyś mieszkałem w Wielkiej Brytanii.
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I used to live in the UK.
Czy umiesz grać na pianinie?
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Can you play the piano?
do NOT say: can you play on the piano?
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a musician
zapisać się na
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to sign up for
She's signed up for evening classes at university.
Jestem przyzwyczajony do wstawania o 6.
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I'm used to getting up at 6.
Nie mam pojęcia.
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I have no clue.
na początku
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at the beginning
Kiedyś mieszkałem w Wielkiej Brytanii.
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I used to live in the UK.
Jestem przyzwyczajony do wstawania o 6.
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I'm used to getting up at 6.
Przyzwyczaiłem się do wstawania o 5.
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I got used to getting up at 5.
owieczka / jagnięcina
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The company is deep in debt
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They are in debt to the bank.
zaległości w opłatach
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rent/mortgage/tax arrears

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