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transporting construction materials start learning
vehicle start learning
vehicle start learning
vehicle start learning
pushes accumulated snow off runways, taxiways, and aprons to keep them operational start learning
AmE: snowplow
delivering kerosene (jet fuel) vehicle start learning
removes debris, dust, and foreign objects from airport pavements to maintain a clean and safe environment start learning
vehicle start learning
Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft start learning
an elevated bus-like vehicle used for boarding and disembarking from aircraft start learning
visual guidance to position aircraft at the stand start learning
primarily used as a means of passenger transportation between airport terminals and remote aircraft parking positions start learning
used for transporting aircraft passenger luggage start learning
baggage cart, trolley, dolly
vehicles equipped with a conveyor belt that can be raised and lowered to match the height of the aircraft cargo hold start learning
specialized vehicles equipped with scissor lifts or hydraulic platforms designed to reach the cargo holds of large aircraft start learning
high lift / hydraulic loader
specialized ground support vehicle used at airports to deliver meals, beverages, and other onboard supplies to aircraft start learning
specialized airport ground service vehicle used to supply potable (drinking) water to aircraft start learning
specialized ground support vehicle at airports used to maintain and service the lavatory systems of aircraft start learning
versatile industrial vehicle used at airports for handling cargo, baggage, and various supplies start learning
spreads sand, grit or salt on airport surfaces to to improve traction for aircraft start learning
sanding truck / gritting truck / gritter
clears heavy snow from runways, taxiways, and aprons by blowing it off the surface start learning
transports flight crews between the terminal and parked aircraft start learning
sprays heated de-icing fluid onto aircraft surfaces to remove frost, ice, and snow start learning
a stationary structure used for de-icing aircraft efficiently in dedicated areas start learning
cleans oil spills, rubber deposits, and contaminants from airport surfaces start learning
provides compressed air to start an aircraft’s engines when onboard systems are unavailable start learning
supplies electrical power to aircraft systems while they are on the ground start learning
pomps fuel from underground supply piece of equipment start learning
connects aircraft to towing vehicles for repositioning on the ground start learning
designated space for testing aircraft engines at high power without interfering with operations start learning
airport fire truck equipped to spray foam for extinguishing aircraft fires start learning
guides aircraft to parking stands or taxiways, ensuring safe ground movement vehicle start learning
measures runway surface friction to assess braking conditions during wet or icy conditions start learning
a vehicle with special equipment, used for taking sick or injured people to a hospital start learning
an official car used by the police start learning
at an airport provides safe boarding and disembarking for passengers or maintenance access to aircraft when jet bridges are unavailable start learning
service which provides flight crew with flight data start learning
department in charge of aircraft maintenance start learning
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part of aerodrome security which prevents intrusions start learning
service which keeps runways available in winter start learning