greetings and introducing

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hello (universal)
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안녕하세요? (anniohasejo)
hello (informal)
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안녕 (annion)
hello (formal)
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안녕하십니까 (anniohasimniga)
ending after vow
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예요 (jejo)
ending after consonant
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이에요 (ijejo)
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저 (dzio)
topic marker
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는 (nyn)
my name is...
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제 이름은... (dzie irymyn)
I am...
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저는... (dzio nyn)
what's your name?
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이름이 뭐예요? (irymi mojejo)
god bye (to the one going)
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안녕히 가세요 (annionhi kasejo)
good bye (to the one who's staying)
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안녕히 계세요 (annionhi kesejo)
thank you
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고맙습니다 (komapsymnida)
nice to meet you
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만나서 반가워요 (mannaso pangołojo)

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