Flash boys - 1

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nie powiesc sie
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go awry
wysmiewac kogos
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mock someone
Czy mozesz rzucic mi moj telefon?
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Can you toss me my phone?
Lampa świeciła słabym blaskiem
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The lamp gave out a faint glow
Mieli minimalne pojecie o tym co sie dzialo
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They had only the faintest clue of what was happening
Totalnie zepsuli transakcje
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They bungled the deal
Zaniosłam płaszcz z powrotem do sklepu, aby go przerobić.
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I took the coat back to the shop to have it altered
przyklad godny uwagi
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noteworthy example
Jazda po pijanemu to gotowanie sie na katastrofe
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Drinking and driving is simply courting a disaster
Adams jest rozchwytywany przez wiele klubów piłkarskich.
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Adams is being courted by a number of football clubs.
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Ksiazka skupia sie na szkodliwych skutkach palenia
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The book focuses on the pernicious effects of smoking
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Te zadanie zostalo mi powierzone
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I am entrusted with this task
rozeznac sie
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Trudno rozpracowac jakis wzor tutaj
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It is difficult to discern any pattern here
boska interwencja
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divine intervention
Ich nowy dom jest boski
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Their new house is divine

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