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mieć z kimś rachunki do wyrównania start learning
have a score to settle with someone We still have a score to settle don't we?
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usłyszeć pogłoski na jakiś temat start learning
We have a crisis on our hands and don’t want the press to get wind of it.
bardzo szybko, dynamicznie start learning
He's improved in leaps and bounds.
zadać sobie trud żeby coś zrobić start learning
go to trouble to do something You went to the trouble to come all the way here, and I had the nerve to serve you terrible coffee.
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You see, our boss has the final say when it comes to all the disputes that occur on this hill.
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Polish people are leaving UK in droves due to high costs of living.
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The background music of some TV shows is so loud it drowns out the dialogue.
Intryga rodem z Gry o tron, dobrotliwy główny bohater Szkieletor i zaskakujący brak zbędnej przemocy wyróżniają tę serię start learning
Its Game of Thronesian intrigue, benevolent Skeletor protagonist and surprising lack of gratuitous violence sets this series apart
igrać z losem, niepotrzebnie ryzykować start learning
Don't push your luck and abuse our benevolence.
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He slammed the door in a fit of anger.
Nie mogłem uwierzyć, jak mały Joe stawił czoła temu łobuzowi! Przecież Joe waży nie więcej niż 115 funtów! start learning
I couldn’t believe how little Joe stood up to that bully! I mean, Joe must weigh all of 115 pounds, soaking wet!
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We were in limbo for weeks while the jury tried to make a decision in the case.
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Crop yields have fallen and to make matters worse, drought has dried up many water sources.
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This is the best place in the whole wide world.
wolna amerykanka (nie obowiązują żadne reguły) start learning
anything goes means that anything that somebody says or does is accepted or allowed, even if it shocks or surprises people