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leader of the conservative party / labor party
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lider partii konserwatywnej / Partii Pracy
legislative power
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władza ustawodawcza
member of parliament
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prime minister
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accessibility of education
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dostępność edukacji
adress global threats
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zajmowac sie globalnymi zagrozeniamj
burning issue
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palacy problem
encourage economic growth
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pobudzać wzrost gospodarczy
financial stability
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równowaga finansowa
promote cultural understanding
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promowanie zrozumienia kulturowego
cause a scandal
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wywołać skandal
gain ground
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zyskiwac przewage
give a press conference
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zorganizować konferencję prasową
honour a promise
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spelniac obietnice
leak information
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ujawnic informacje
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lewica / prawica
toe the party line
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postepowac zgodnie z linia partii
win sb over
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przekonać kogoś
drop in value
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tracic na wartosci
go into/come out of recession
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wejść / wyjść z recesji
interest rate
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oprocentowanie, stopa procentowa
long-term investment
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długoterminowa inwestycja
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gwaltownie spadac
stock market
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disregard for sb
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brak poszaniwania dla kogos
freedom of speech
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wolność słowa
fundamental freedoms
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podstawowe wolności
human dignity
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godność człowieka
right to privacy
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prawo do prywatności
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find sth puzzling
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miec problem ze zrozumieniem czegos
hold sth sacred
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uwazac cos za swiete
system of beliefs
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system wierzeń
understand nuances
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zrozumieć niuanse

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