Des phrases utiles

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i'm aware
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Je suis au courant
It only depends on you
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Ça ne dépend que de tois
Let's go
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C'est parti!
That's enough
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Ça suffit!
to sit
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to get up
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se lever
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I totally agree
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Je suis totalement d'accord
I'll take care of it
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je m'en occupe
I will miss that
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ça va me manquer
It's obvious
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C'est évident
Don't worry
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Ne t'inquiète pas
What do you think of that?
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T'en penses quoi?
How did it go?
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Comment ça s'est passé?
We are in a hurry
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Nous sommes préssés
Keep it up!
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Continue comme ça!
I'm going to the hairdresser
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je vais chez le coiffeur
I rest on Sunday
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je me repose le dimanche
I made a mistake
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je me suis trompé
It's my father's car
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C'est la voiture de mon père
Without a doubt
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Sans aucun doute
It's good to know
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C'est bon à savoir
no idea
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aucune idée
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We'll see
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On verra bien
Oh really?
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Ah bon?
It's up to you
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C'est comme tu veux
I like to learn new languages
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J'aime apprendre de nouvelles langues
I miss you
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Tu me manques
He speaks a little french
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Il parle un peu français
It's crazy
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C'est dingue

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