Polish: day 2
Englishjęzyk polski

Polish: day 2
Take the next step in your journey

Unveil the mysteries of a hidden beyond seven grammatical cases language!
Do you want to know what “Czym się interesujesz?” means?
Be as enlightened as Copernicus was!
Listen to Polish consonant clusters and learn how to imitate a snake!
try it for free (20 flashcards) or Get full access
Activities - CzynnościActivities - Czynności  
17 flashcards
Number - LiczbaNumber - Liczba  
66 flashcards
Space - PrzestrzeńSpace - Przestrzeń  
34 flashcards
Useful phrases - Przydatne zwrotyUseful phrases - Przydatne zwroty  
21 flashcards
Features - CechyFeatures - Cechy  
30 flashcards
Time - CzasTime - Czas  
26 flashcards
A typical conversation from a student's book - Typowa rozmowa z podręcznikaA typical conversation from a student's book - Typowa rozmowa z podręc...  
15 flashcards
Learning new things - Uczenie się nowych rzeczyLearning new things - Uczenie się nowych rzeczy  
15 flashcards
Show all lessons (9)

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Interesting Polish language facts

A great way to motivate yourself when it comes to learning languages is discovering more about their history, origins, and importance. We gathered some of the most interesting facts about the Polish language in this list:

  • 1. It is spoken by around 40 million people in the world, meaning that you will make many new friends and meet a lot of people if you will learn Polish!
  • 2. 9 of the 32 letters of the Polish alphabet are really unique.
  • 3. Polish has many lexical similarities with Russian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Belarussian, Czech and Ukrainian.
  • 4. Polish is a difficult language to learn and a real tongue twister, but it also is a great brain exercise!
  • 5. Polish has several dialects but most of the speakers can understand each other and the differences are not so noticeable.

Learn Polish with our courses!

The course Polish: day 2 includes basic Polish phrases and words that are commonly used and important. With the use of our Polish lessons with flashcards, you can learn Polish daily and discover new Polish phrases to use. The course includes Polish lessons on many basic topics. You will learn how to count in Polish, vocabulary about space and time, you will also find an example of a typical conversation in one of the Polish lessons of this course. There is a Polish lesson dedicated to useful phrases, one to activities and important verbs. Moreover, this course includes a Polish lesson with the simplified grammar that will allow you to form your own correct Polish sentences. Go through the flashcards of the Polish lessons and learn important vocabulary that will help you to express yourself, your thoughts and feelings and speak to the natives. More than that, you can download the course to learn from our Polish lessons on the go. The Spaced Repetition System will form repetitions that will help you remember the vocabulary from our Polish lessons forever. Start learning with our fun Polish lessons with flashcards!

Learn Polish daily

If you learned the words and phrases from the Polish lessons of this course, proceed to the Polish in 1 day course that includes a lot of important basic Polish vocabulary. Its Polish lessons will teach you vocabulary about people, questions in Polish, courtesy phrases in Polish. There is a Polish lesson that will explain to you some untranslatable words in Polish. You can continue learning Polish with the Everyday phrases in Polish course that includes useful Polish phrases. Learn Polish daily with VocApp and impress the native speakers with your knowledge!
