Hungarian words: Top 500 verbs

Hungarian words: Top 500 verbs
Discover 500 Hungarian verbs and make sure you understand basic sentences in this language!

Verbs are an important part of a sentence, and without them thoughts can’t be properly conveyed. Learn this list of 500 Hungarian verbs and easily express your thoughts and feelings!
Since some verbs can have various meanings, we also provide you with synonyms, so that you are able to understand these verbs in any context.
Learn these useful verbs used in everyday conversation and polish your Hungarian pronunciation thanks to our audio recordings!
We wish you good luck and keep learning languages!
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1 - 251 - 25  
25 flashcards
26 - 5026 - 50  
25 flashcards
51 - 7551 - 75  
25 flashcards
76 - 10076 - 100  
25 flashcards
101 - 125101 - 125  
25 flashcards
126 - 150126 - 150  
25 flashcards
151 - 175151 - 175  
25 flashcards
176 - 200176 - 200  
25 flashcards
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