Corso di italiano (Roma 1)

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it's difficult to understand
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è difficile capire
it's important to think
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è importante pensare
it's necessary to do
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è necessario fare
i'm a polish native speaker
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sono un madrelingua polacco
follow the method
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seguire il metodo
search in the dictionary
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cercare sul dizionario
surf the net
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navigare su Internet
we read in the newspaper
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leggiamo sul giornale
I agree with what I've read
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Sono d'accordo con quanto ho letto (quello che)
I agree with what I read (this one)
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Sono d'accordo con quanto leggo (questo che)
at that time
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in quel tempo (non a!)
A little sooner would have been nice.
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Un po' prima sarebbe stato gradito.
Dr. Hodgins, knocking would be appreciated.
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Dr. Hodgins, bussare sarebbe gradito.
My father has passed away
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mio padre è scomparso
to go to the better place
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passare al miglior vita
I'm suspended because of Francesco
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Sono sospeso a causa di Francesco
He is Polish
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Lui è polacco
He is from Poland
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Lui viene dalla Polonia
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to manage to
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riuscire a
fall apart
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andare a pezzi
dialogue, discussion
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In comparison with me Alessandra is smaller (c)
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In confronto a me Alessandra è più bassa
Alessandra is wiser compared with me (r)
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Alessandra è più saggia rispetto a me
in comparison with this home (p)
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a paragone di quella casa
don't deprive yourself this small pleasure
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non privarti di questo piccolo piacere

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