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That was a delicious meal.
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Aquela foi uma refeição deliciosa.
Can I help with the dishes?
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Posso ajudar com a louça?
Oh no, that's abright.
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Ah não, está bem.
The dishes can wait.
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A louça pode esperar.
Let's sit and talk and have some coffee.
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Vamos sentar e conversar e tomar um pouco de café.
I'd love to.
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Eu ia amar.
comprehension questions
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perguntas de compreensão
What most likely is taking place in the video?
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O que provavelmente está ocorrendo no vídeo?
People are sitting in a kitchen.
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As pessoas estão sentadas na cozinha
People met in a coffee shop.
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As pessoas se reuniam em um café.
People are doing household chores.
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As pessoas estão fazendo tarefas domésticas.
What did the woman offer to do?
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O que a mulher se ofereceu para fazer?
get some drinks
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pegar algumas bebidas
give up a seat
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desistir de sentar
prepare a meal
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prepare uma refeição
What did the man suggest that they do?
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O que o homem sugeriu que eles fizessem?
eat more food
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comer mais comida
finish more tasks
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terminar mais tarefas
sit down somewhere
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sente-se em algum lugar
Discussion questions
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Questões de discussão
Do you invite friends over to your house for dinner?
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Você convida amigos para jantar em sua casa?
On that occasion?
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Naquela ocasião?
What kind of food do you usually serve your guests for dinner?
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Que tipo de comida você costuma servir aos seus convidados para o jantar?
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Por quê?
What do you usually do after dinner?
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O que você costuma fazer depois do jantar?
I enjoyed a delicious dinner last night.
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delicioso (a)
Eu apreciei um delicioso jantar ontem à noite.
Our lunch meal was chicken and potatoes.
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Nossa refeição de almoço era galinha e batatas.
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Can we leave early tonight?
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Podemos sair mais cedo esta noite?
I can help you wash the dishes.
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Eu posso te ajudar a lavar a louça.
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The dishes are piled up in the sink after we ate dinner.
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Os pratos são empilhados na pia depois que jantamos.
Smart kids can solve math problems easily.
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Crianças inteligentes podem resolver problemas de matemática facilmente.
I need to save, so shopping has to wait.
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Eu preciso economizar, então fazer compras tem que esperar.
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She has many friends and relatives in the party.
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Ela tem muitos amigos e parentes na festa.
We often talk about business when we meet
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conversar, falar
Muitas vezes falamos de negócios quando nos encontramos
Have another bowl of chicken soup.
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tomar, beber, fumar, comer ou consumir algo
Tem outra tigela de sopa de galinha.
Some people have a hard time studying English.
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um pouco de, algum (a), alguns, algumas
Algumas pessoas têm dificuldade em estudar inglês.
A cup of black coffee every morning keeps me up all day.
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Uma xícara de café preto todas as manhãs me mantém acordado o dia todo.
I would
I would love to.
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eu iria, ia
forma abrev. I'd = I would
Eu adoraria.

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