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uspokój się
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calm down
do NOT pronounce L in CALM
zachowywać się jak dziecko
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to act like a child
remember: one child, two chidren
bokser (pies)
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a boxer
sześcioletni bokser
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a 6-year-old boxer
dziki / szalony
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uważać (coś za coś), traktować, uznawać
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to consider sb (a troublemaker)
osoba sprawiająca kłopoty, awanturnik
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a troublemaker
z całą pewnością
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for sure
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He's very spoiled.
być w ciąży
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to be pregnant
do NOT say: to be IN pregnant
He definitely knew that we were pregnant.
kłaść np. głowę
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to lay (your) head (on your stomach)
brzuch / żołądek
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a stomach
ciekawy / ciekawski
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przedstawić kogoś komuś
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to introduce sb to sb
zastanawiać się
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to wonder
He was wondering who this little, tiny human was.
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a human
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łagodnieć, zmiękczać, mięknąć
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to mellow
dbać o czyjeś bezpieczeństwo
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to keep sb safe
być przyklejonym do kogoś
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to be glued to sb
He was glued to him.
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a role
He took his role as a brother very seriously.
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a toy
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a puppy
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to crawl
chwycić coś
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to grab sth
wyrywać coś z czyjejś ręki
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to rip sth out of sb's hand
zrobić pierwsze kroki w kierunku kogoś / czegoś
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to take (his) first steps towards sb / sth
bawić się w berka
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to play tag
śmiać się
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to laugh
być na czyimś ogonie
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to be on sb's tail
tworzyć więź z kimś
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to bond with sb
wspólnicy zbrodni
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partners in crime
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a blessing
It's a blessing that nobody was in the house at the time. (NiV)
wychowywać dziecko
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to raise a child
Vito has been helping raise Luca.

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