Базовые сруктуры they

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they want
start learning
ils veulent
they are
start learning
ils sont
they have
start learning
ils ont
they can
start learning
ils peuvent
they do
start learning
ils font
they think
start learning
ils pensent
they go
start learning
ils vont
they know
start learning
ils savent
they know
start learning
ils connaissent
they need
start learning
ils ont besoin
they listen
start learning
ils écoutent
they live
start learning
ils habitent
they like
start learning
ils aiment
they understand
start learning
ils comprennent
they use
start learning
ils utilisent
I use
start learning
a holiday
start learning
un jour férié
day off
start learning
jour de congé
let me
start learning
позволь мне
start learning
if I was in your situation, I will choose
start learning
si j'étais dans ta situation, je vais choisi
If I were you, I would choose
start learning
Si j'étais toi, je choisirais
if I had French at school I would speak better
start learning
si j'avais le français à l'école je parlerais mieux
if I had more time I would have
start learning
si j'avais plus de temps j'aurais
if I read this book I will know
start learning
si je lis ce livre je vais savoir
варварский, дикий
start learning

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