Anzelika 5th Feb

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nic specjalnego
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nothing special
Zrobiliśmy to co zwykle.
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We did the usual.
Wróciliśmy w sobotę.
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We GOT back ON Saturday. / We came back on Saturday.
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to drink - DRANK - DRUNK
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to come - came - COME
Ona chce zostać lekarzem.
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She wants to become a doctor.
stać się / zostać
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to become - became - become
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to begin - began - begun
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a gun
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to bite - bit -bitten
Twój pies ugryzł mnie.
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Your dog bit me.
Mój pies nie gryzie.
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My dog doesn't bite.
złamać / zepsuć
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to break - broke - broken
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an arm
Dwa tygodnie temu złamała rękę.
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She broke her arm two weeks ago.
On łamie kość co roku.
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He breaks a bone every year.
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a bone
co miesiąc
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every month
w każdy weekend
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every weekend
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to get - got - got
Dostałam tę książkę od mojej przyjaciółki.
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I got this book from my friend.
dawać / dać
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to give - gave - given
Ania dała mi tę książkę.
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Ania gave me this book.
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to take - took - taken
Nie zapomnij zabrać telefonu.
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Don't forget to take your phone.
Często zapominam wziąć klucze.
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I often forget to take my keys.
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to forget - forgot - forgotten
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to bring - brought - brought
Przepraszam, że zapomniałem zabrać ze sobą talerzy.
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I'm sorry I forgot to bring plates.
Czy możesz / mogłabyś przynieść cukier?
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Can / COULD you please bring sugar?
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a meetING
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a buildING
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to build - builT - builT
Nasz dom zbudowaliśmy dziesięć lat temu.
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We built our house ten years ago.
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to buy - bought - bought
uczyć / nauczać
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to teach - taught - taught
uczyć się
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to learn - leanT - learnT
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to pick / to choose
to choose - chose - chosen
Którą książkę wybrałeś?
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Which book did you choose?
która sukienka?
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which dress?
który film?
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which film?
który telefon?
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which phone?
Który telefon kupiłeś?
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Which phone did you buy?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much does it cost? / How much is it?
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to find - found - found
Wczoraj znalazłam ten portfel w moim biurze.
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Yesterday I found this wallet in my office.
odejść / wyjechać / zostawić
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to leave - left - left
O której wyjechałeś?
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What time did you leave?
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to write

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