Anzelika 27th Nov

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W maju pojechałem do Niemiec.
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In May I went to Germany.
Wczoraj wieczorem poszłam na spacer.
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Yesterday evening I went for a walk.
Co robiłeś w weekend?
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What did you do on the weekend?
Co jadłeś wczoraj na kolację?
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What did you eat FOR dinner yesterday?
Zjedzmy rybę na obiad.
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Let's eat / have fish for lunch.
pierś z kurczaka z ziemniakami
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chicken breast with potatoes
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vegetables / veggies
O której godzinie wyjechałaś z Wilna?
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What time did you leave Vilnius?
Wyjechaliśmy z Wilna o 6.00.
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We left Vilnius at 6.
O której wróciłeś do Wilna?
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When did you come back to Vilnius?
kilka godzin temu
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a few hours ago
Zrobiliśmy to co zwykle.
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We did the usual.
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to feed -fed - fed
Nakarmiliśmy naszego psa.
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We fed our dog.
Zawsze karmimy naszego psa, gdy jedziemy na wieś.
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We always feed our dog when we go to the countryside.
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To niedaleko Eisikes.
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It's near Eisiskes.
blisko czegoś
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close TO sth
zamknąć coś
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to close sth
They close at 9 every day.
Ten sklep jest blisko mojego domu.
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This shop is close TO my house. / This shop is near my house.
Szkoła jest daleko od mojego domu.
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The school is far FROM my house.
poczekaj / chwileczkę
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hold on
W sobotę wykonaliśmy kilka prac domowych.
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On Saturday we did some chores.
To jest mój samochód.
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This is MY car. / This car is MINE.
To jest moje.
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It's mine.
To jest twój samochód.
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This is your car. / This car is YOURS.
To jest jego samochód.
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This is his car. / This car is his.
To jest jej samochód.
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This is her car. / This car is herS.
To jest wasz samochód.
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This is your car. / This car is yourS.
To jest ich samochód.
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This is their car. / This car is theirS.
Czy ta książka jest twoja?
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Is this book yours? / Is this your book?
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a turkey
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a key
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a kiss
Byłeś kiedyś w Niemczech?
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Have you EVER been TO Germany?
Czy byłeś kiedyś na Litwie?
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Have you ever been TO Lithuania?
Czy kiedykolwiek przeczytałeś książkę po rosyjsku?
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Have you ever read a book in Russian?
Czy kiedykolwiek jadłeś pizzę?
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Have you ever eaten pizza?
Czy Twoja córka była kiedyś w Wilnie?
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HAS your daughter ever been TO Vilnius?
nosić (ubranie)
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to wear - wore - worn
Co masz dziś na sobie?
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What are you wearing today?
bluza z kapturem
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a hoodie
Mam na sobie szarą bluzę z kapturem i dżinsy.
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I'm wearing a grey hoodie and jeans.

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