Angielski 1- ciało

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a body of laws
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zbiór przepisów
a body
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arę you going there on foot?
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idziesz tam na piechotę?
a toenail
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a toe
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palec u nogi
a finger
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palec u ręki
we are holding hands
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trzymamy się za ręce
I have this book at hand
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Mam tę książkę pod ręką
Learn it by heart!
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Naucz się na pamięć!
a chest
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klatka piersiowa
a back
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an arm; a forearm
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ramię; przedramię
I have a book under my arm
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Mam książkę pod pachą
a tooth, teeth
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ząb, zęby
a black eye
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podbite oko

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