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kłócić się o kontrakty
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to bicker over contracts
delegować pracę
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to delegate work
przed lub za harmonogramem
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behind or ahead of schedule
aby śledzić spotkania
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to keep track of appointments
złe dotrzymywanie czasu
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bad time keeping
przedstawił wspólpracowników
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introduced his co-workers
utrzymywac kontakt wzrokowy
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keep eye contact
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mówić za innymi ludźmi
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to talk over other people
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zająć się kwestią
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to address an issue
burza mózgów
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zaktualizowac strukture firmy
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update the company structure
spotkania przeciagaja sie
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meetings are dragging on
prosic o wyjasnienie
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ask for an explanation
aby zagwarantować dokładne informacje
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to guarantee accurate information
slajdy i materiały do rozdania
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slides and handouts
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wyznaczać realistyczne terminy
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set realistic deadlines
nadrobic stracony czas
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make up for lost time
dokonywac platnosci
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make payments
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najlepsi dostawcy
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the best suppliers
przydatne wskazówki
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handy tips
ustalać priorytety
start learning
to prioritise

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