ang 6

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zanieczyszczenie powietrza
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air pollution
topienie lodow afryki
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Arctic warming
ślad węglowy
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carbon footprint
zmiany klimatyczne
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climate change
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niszczenie raf koralowych
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destruction of coral reefs
paliwa kopalne
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fossil fuels
globalne ocieplenie
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global warming
gazy cieplarniane
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greenhouse gases
pokrywa lodowa
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ice cap
intensywny chów zwierząt
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intensive animal farming
wysypiska śmieci
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landfill sites
zla gospodarka odpadami
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poor waste management
odnawialne zrodla energii
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renewable energy sources
poziom morza
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sea level
elektrownia sloneczna
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solar farm
toksyczne chemikalia
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toxic chemicals
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become extinct
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die out
zagrożony gatunek
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endangered species
łaczyc sie w pary
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chronic gatunek
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make a species survive
park narodowy
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National Park
roznmnażac sie
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ocalic gatunek od wyginiecia
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save a species from extinction

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