Adrian 30th March

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I appreciate it.
I appreciate your time.
I appreciate your help.
Jestem dumny.
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I'm proud.
I'm proud of you.
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Co robisz w Niedzielę Wielkanocną? (plany)
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What are you doing on Easter Sunday?
Jakie masz plany na ten weekend?
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What are you up to this weekend?
Jakie masz plany na dzisiejszy wieczór?
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What are you up to tonight?
Może obejrzę film z rodziną.
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Maybe I'll watch a film with my family.
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a beach
Jeśli jutro będzie słonecznie, pójdziemy na plażę.
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If it's sunny tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.
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ill / sick
Jeśli będzie zimno, zostanę w domu.
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If it's cold, I'll stay at home.
Jeśli skończę o 6, pójdę z tobą do kina.
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If I finish at 6, I'll go to the cinema with you.
Jeśli ona skończy wcześniej, pójdzie z nami na basen.
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If she finishes early, she'll go to the pool with us.
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poprawić / ulepszyć
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to improve - improved - improved
Jeśli pogoda się nie poprawi, nie zorganizujemy pikniku.
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If the weather doesn't improve, we will not / won't have a picnic.

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