Adrian 10th Feb

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a potem
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and then
Dotarłem do szkoły o 8.
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I got to school / I arrived at school at 8.
Przyszedłem/Przyjechaem do domu.
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I came home.
Wróciłem do domu.
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I came back home.
Ona wstaje codziennie o 6:00.
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She GETS up at 6 every day.
Czy ty wstajesz?
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Are you getting up?
Czy ty jesz śniadanie codziennie?
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Do you eat breakfast every day?
Czy jadłeś śniadanie wczoraj?
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Did you eat breakfast yesterday?
Czy jesz śniadanie teraz?
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Are you eating breakfast now?
Ona nie czyta codziennie.
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She doesn't read every day.
W zeszłym roku ona nie przeczytała 5 książek.
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She didn't read 5 books last year.
Ona nie czyta książki, ona ogląda film.
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She isn't reading a book, she's watching a film.
przepis na chleb
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a recipe for bread
a recepta (od lekarza)
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a prescription
paragon (ze sklepu)
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a receipt
Czy chcesz paragon?
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Would you like a receipt?
Yes, please. / No, thank you.
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a pot
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a pan
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a cook
Mój wujek jest kucharzem.
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My uncle is a cook.
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to RECEIVE - received - received
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to get - got - got
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