A1 Basic phrases in Spanish

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Question Answer
Spain has four official languages: Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque.
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España tiene cuatro lenguas oficiales: el castellano, el catalán, el gallego y el vasco.
In Mexico they eat spicy food.
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En México se comen platos picantes.
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Good morning
Good morning. I am Mr Álvarez.
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Buenos días
Buenos días. Soy el señor Álvarez.
to greet
While greeting in Spain you can also ask "how are you"?
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En España al saludar se pregunta „cómo estás?”.
to say goodbye
We are going to say goodbye, because the train is leaving.
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Vamos a despedirnos, porque sale el tren.
I present you...
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Te/ Le presento...
It's nice to meet you.
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Encantado/a de conocerte/le.
This is Elena.
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Esta es Elena.
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See you soon!
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¡Hasta pronto!
See you tomorrow!
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¡Hasta mañana!
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¡Buenas noches!
Have a nice day
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¡Que tengas un buen día!
Thank you, you too.
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Gracias, igualmente.
Please sit down.
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Por favor.
Siéntese, por favor.
Excuse me.
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¡Disculpa! / ¡Perdona!
Thank you.
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You are welcome.
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De nada.
How can I help you?
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¿Cómo puedo ayudar?
Would you let me...?
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Me permites...?
Of course.
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Por supuesto.
I am sorry.
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Lo siento.
Well done.
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Bien hecho.
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I have got a question.
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Tengo una pregunta.
I have got a doubt.
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Tengo una duda.
I don't understand.
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No lo entiendo.
I don't know.
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No lo sé.
I don't understand the question.
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No entiendo la pregunta.
What does it mean...?
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¿Qué significa...?
How can I say...?
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¿Cómo puedo decir...?
Can you repeat?
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¿Puedes repetir?
How are you?
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¿Cómo estás? / ¿Qué tal?
What’s up?
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¿Qué pasa?
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Everything good.
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Todo bien.
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regular/ así-así
What do you like to do?
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¿Qué te gusta hacer?
I like...
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Me gusta...
Do you study?
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Do you work?
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I am a student.
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Soy estudiante.
I work as...
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Trabajo como...
Let's see.
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Veamos./ A ver.
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¿De verdad?
I have no idea.
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No tengo idea.
I want...
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