6 part 1

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źle zarabiac
start learning
be badly paid
ubiegac sie o prace
start learning
apply for a job
byc zatrudnionym/samozatrudnionym
start learning
be employed / self-employed
byc bezrobotnym
start learning
be unemployed
stanowiacy wyzwanie
start learning
pracowac do pozna
start learning
work long hours
pracowac w godzinach nadliczbowych
start learning
work overtime
start learning
zostac wylanym z pracy
start learning
get fired from work
wziac piec tydodni platnego urlopu
start learning
take five weeks of paid holiday
praca na czesc etatu
start learning
part time job
start learning
put up with
zrezygnowac z pracy
start learning
resign from a job
prowadzuc firme
start learning
run a company
zatrudnic kogos
start learning
take sb on
pojawic sie
start learning
turn up

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