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tętniący życiem plac/rynek/ulice
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bustling square/market/streets
średniowieczne Centrum/architektura/zamek
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medieval Centre/ architecture/ castle
malownicze Stare Miasto/Wieś/ sceneria
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picturesque Old Town/ Village/ scenery
cicha uliczka/miasto/dzielnica
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quiant backstreet / town/ neighbourhood
obskurne centrum miasta/budynek/dom
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shaby city centre/ building/ house
miejska zabudowa obszar przestrzeń
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Urban development/area/space
tętniąca życiem atmosfera/życie nocne/kolory
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vibrant atmosphere/ nightlife/ colours
na wybrzeżu
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on the coast
Na obrzeżach
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On the outskirts
Na granicy
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On the border
na światłach ulicznych
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at the traffic lights
na rondzie
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at the roundabout
w ratuszu
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at the Town hall
w odległości spaceru
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within walking distance
w pobliżu
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within easy reach
w promieniu 500 metrów
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withn 500 meters
W centrum miasta
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In the city centre
Na przedmieściach
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In the suburbs
W parku
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In the park

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