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kemping pole namiotowe
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wakacje pod namieotem
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camping holiday
uciec(na wieś)
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escape to the countryside
lecieć samolotem
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fly in a plane
wsiąść do samochodu
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get into a car
zsiąść z roweru
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get off a bike
wysiąść z autobus/pociagu
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get off a bus/train
wsiąść na rowe
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get on a bike
wsiąść do autobusu/pociągu
start learning
get on a bus/train
wysiąść z auta
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get out of the car
pojechać autobusem/samochodem/autokarem/pociagiem
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go by bus/car/coach/train
popłynąć promień/łodzią/statkiem
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go by ferry/boat/ship
polecieć samolotem
start learning
go by plane

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