2. sprawdzian

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Tabliczka czekolady
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A bar of chocolate
Puszka coli.
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A can of cola.
Butelka wody
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A bottle of water
Słoik dżemu
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A jar of jam
Karton soku
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A carton of juice
Paczka ciasteczek
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A packet of biscuits
ile ciasteczek tam jest.
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how many biscuits are There.
jest karton z sokiem jabłkowym.
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there is a carton of apple juice.
ile mleka tam jest?
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how much milk is There?
na śniadanie mam mleko, czekoladę.
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for breakfast I have milk, chocolate.
na obiad mam zupę, frytki i kurczaka.
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for lunch I have soup, chips and chicken.
na obiad mam chleb, sok pomarańczowy, owoce
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for dinner I have bread, orange juice, fruits
w weekend jem lody
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at the weekend I eat icecream
Nie lubię jajek.
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I don't like eggs.

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