(Ona ma umiejętność rozwiązywania skomplikowanych problemów.) start learning
She has the ability to solve complex problems.
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He was accused of stealing the money.
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Vinegar contains acetic acid.
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Actually, I don’t like coffee that much.
start learning
It is said that children acquire foreign languages easily.
Przyznać (się); dopuszczać, przyjmować gdzieś start learning
He admitted that he made a mistake.
Rząd zajął się tą sprawą ostrożnie. Ich romans stał się powszechnie znany start learning
The government handled the affair with caution. Their affair became public knowledge
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I can’t afford to buy a new car right now.
Poszliśmy do kina, a potem zjedliśmy obiad start learning
We went to the movies, and afterwards we had dinner
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Agriculture is an important industry in this region
Organizacja udziela pomocy potrzebującym start learning
The organization provides aid to those in need
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Her aim is to become a doctor. He aimed at the target and fired.
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He is aiming to finish the project by Friday.
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The two sisters are very much alike
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Although it was raining, we still went for a walk
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Altogether, the project cost $5,000.
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The clown amused the children with his tricks.
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They discovered ancient ruins in the desert
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He couldn’t hide his anger during the argument
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She couldn’t hide her annoyance when the meeting was delayed again
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He felt a wave of anxiety before the exam
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She was anxious about the results of the test
W każdym razie, tak czy owak start learning
Anyhow, we should finish this project by tomorrow
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Her appearance changed drastically after the makeover
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The board appointed a new CEO.
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I really appreciate your help with this project
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They often argue about money
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The committee approved the new budget proposal
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New problems arise every day at work
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The country’s arms trade is heavily regulated.
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She arranged a meeting with the team
Odnosi się do nieformalnego lub mniej sformalizowanego porozumienia lub ustalenia między stronami. Może dotyczyć organizacji czegoś, na przykład planów na przyszłość, logistyki, czy planów dotyczących jakiegoś wydarzenia. start learning
We have an arrangement to meet every Friday
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He felt ashamed of his behavior
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She is a member of the writers' association.
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He made an attempt to climb the mountain.
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He will attend the conference next month
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The advertisement attracted me to this film
obudzić się, uświadomić sobie start learning
She suddenly awoke to the reality of the situation.
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He is aware of the risks involved in the project.
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wstecz, do tyłu, za siebie start learning
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She barely passed the exam
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This is a basic guide for beginners.
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The report is based on a solid basis
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The bear is a powerful animal
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She begged for forgiveness
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Please behave yourself at the party
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Her belief in success is inspiring
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I believe in your ability to succeed
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You need to bend the metal to fit it
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You need to bind the pages together
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The coffee was too bitter for my taste
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Don’t blame others for your mistakes
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start learning
He ate cereal from a bowl
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• A branch fell from the tree
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Take a deep breath and relax
start learning
You need to breathe deeply
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The house is made of red bricks
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Give me a brief summary of the report
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The street is broad and spacious
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She used a brush to paint the picture
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Fill the bucket with water
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• They decided to bury the time capsule
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There is a bird in the bush
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Spread some butter on the bread
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The bird was kept in a cage.
przewóz, transport, wagon start learning
We are offering international carriage
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The politician started a campaign to win more votes.
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He wore a baseball cap to keep the sun out of his eyes.
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She likes to carry her books in a backpack.
sprawa, przypadek, futerał start learning
In this case, we need to find more evidence.
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The farmer raised cattle on his ranch.
start learning
I am certain that we will succeed.
start learning
She will certainly arrive on time.
start learning
He wore a silver chain around his neck.
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The chairman opened the meeting with a speech.
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You have a chance to win the contest.
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Jane would like to take part in the Miss World contest.
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The police chased the thief down the street.
klatka piersiowa, skrzynka start learning
He felt pain in his chest after the workout.
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It's wrong to cheat on a test
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He was caught as a cheater during the game.
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The chief of the department made an announcement.
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The chef prepared a delicious meal.
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The children were excited to go to the circus
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He claimed he wasn't there the previous night.
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She made a vase out of clay.
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The clerk helped me find the right form.
tkanina, materiał, ścierka start learning
She bought a beautiful cloth for the dress.
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The coach motivated the team before the game
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The factory uses coal to generate power.
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She wore a warm coat on the cold day
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He likes to collect stamps as a hobby
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The ants formed a large colony in the garden.
start learning
She used a comb to style her hair
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The committee will meet tomorrow to discuss the project.
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They share a common interest in music.
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The athletes will compete in the tournament.
start learning
The competition in the market is tough.
start learning
He often complains about the weather.
start learning
This issue concerns everyone in the community.
zainteresowany, zangażowany, zmartwiony start learning
start learning
She has confidence in her abilities.
start learning
He is confident that he will win the race
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The statue was made of copper.
start learning
She prefers wearing cotton clothes in the summer.
start learning
He has a bad cough and needs medicine
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The council met to discuss the new regulations.
start learning
She can count to a hundred in English.
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It takes courage to stand up for what is right.
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He was called to appear in court as a witness.
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He was called a coward for not standing up to the bully.
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There was a small crack in the glass
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The forest is home to many strange creatures.
skradać się, dziwak, pełzać start learning
He's a creep, known for stalking celebrities
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Rolnicy zebrali plony jesienią start learning
he farmers harvested their crops in the fall.
Na koncercie był duży tłum start learning
There was a large crowd at the concert.
Było to okrutne z jego strony, że skrzywdził psa. start learning
It was cruel of him to hurt the dog.
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She accidentally crushed the paper cup in her hand.
Filiżanki są w kuchennej szafce start learning
The cups are in the kitchen cupboard
Naukowcy pracują nad lekarstwem na tę chorobę start learning
The scientists are working on a cure for the disease.
Jaki jest obecny stan projektu? start learning
What is the current state of the project?
Odsłoniła zasłony, aby wpuścić trochę światła słonecznego start learning
She opened the curtains to let in some sunlight.
Jestem pewny, że ona przyjdzie na imprezę. start learning
I am certain that she will come to the party.
(To lokalny zwyczaj, aby witać się podaniem ręki. start learning
It's a local custom to shake hands when greeting someone.
spodziewać się, przewidywać start learning
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przyczyniać się, wnosić wkład start learning
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zebranie, zbiórka, składanie czegoś start learning
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start learning
start learning
start learning
start learning
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start learning
start learning
start learning
start learning
start learning
start learning
start learning
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znak * (np. symbolizujący przypis w dokumencie start learning
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Poprawka, zmiana (Charakter stały) start learning
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pomieścić, zakwaterować, przystosować się, start learning
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obejmować, składać się, zawierać start learning
Their team comprises only professionals.
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poza czymś, pomijając coś start learning
start learning
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dozwolona ilość (np. bagażu, który można zabrać ze sobą), zasiłek (regularnie otrzymywane pieniądze na jakiś cel) start learning
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dostosowany do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta start learning
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Przestrzeganie, przyleganie start learning
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zawierać (mieścić w sobie) start learning
The box contained some old clothes.
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wyczerpujący, obszerny, wszechstronny, start learning
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