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to use the good things in a situation: I ... my boss's absence to catch up with some correspondence.
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take advantage of
I took advantage of my boss's absence to catch up with some correspondence.
the activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday: There was no time to ... in Seattle.
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go sightseeing
There was no time to go sightseeing in Seattle.
an object that is shown to the public in a museum, etc.: The museum has a fascinating collection of ... ranging from Iron Age pottery to Inuit clothing.
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exhibit, exhibition
The museum has a fascinating collection of exhibits ranging from Iron Age pottery to Inuit clothing.
relating to the first people to live in an area: The Aborigines are the ... inhabitants of Australia.
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The Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia.
domek letniskowy (którego jest się właścicielem i z którego można korzystać przez określony czas)
a holiday house or apartment that is owned by several different people who each use it for a particular period of the year: We bought a ... in Florida.
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We bought a timeshare in Florida.
oblężony przez turystów
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overrun with tourists
Nie znasz angielskiego
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You don't speak English
Nie da się nie zauważyć
Gdy np przechodzień tłumaczy Ci jak gdzieś dojść i na końcu to mówi.
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You can't miss it.
imaginary: a ... story
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a fictional story
poznać, nauczyć się
to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about him, her, or it: I'll need a few weeks to... the system.
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get to know
I'll need a few weeks to get to know the system.
z innej miejscowości
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from out of town
Pierwszy raz w Krakowie
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First time in Krakow
Zgubiłem się
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I got lost
turystyczny, pełen turystów
A ... place is not attractive because a lot of tourists visit it and it is full of things for them to buy and do: This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it's become very...
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This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it's become very touristy.
a railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels below ground: We took the ... uptown to Yankee Stadium.
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subway, undergroud
We took the subway uptown to Yankee Stadium.
kartonowe pudło
material like very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes:
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cardboard box
słynny na całym świecie
known about by many people from most parts of the world:
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założyć, ustanowić
to bring something into existence: Boston was ... in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.
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Boston was founded in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.
a specially prepared area for...
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skating rink
a specially prepared area for skating
something that is in someone's view: The flowers at the annual flower show were a beautiful...
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The flowers at the annual flower show were a beautiful sight.
napis Holywood
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the Hollywood sign
muzeum figur woskowych
a place where there are a lot of wax models of famous people for the public to look at: One of London's biggest tourist attractions, Madame Tussaud's, is the oldest and largest ... in the world.
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wax museum
One of London's biggest tourist attractions, Madame Tussaud's, is the oldest and largest wax museum in the world.
aleja gwiazd
the Hollywood...
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Walk of Fame
the Hollywood Walk of Fame
The shooting of the police officer has received universal...
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The shooting of the police officer has received universal condemnation.
uroczy, osobliwy
attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned: a ... old cottage
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a quaint old cottage
Przepraszam, szukamy...
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Excuse me. We're trying to find...
lody, lodziarnia
the Italian style of ice cream (= a cold, soft, sweet food), made from milk, cream, sugar, and fruit or other flavours mixed together and frozen:
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Ile czasu minęło?
Dwie osoby które dawno się nie widziały
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How long has it been?
Jak tam?
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How's things?
po staremu
used to say that a situation or someone's behaviour remains the same, especially when it is boring or annoying:
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same ol' same ol'
to take away a vehicle that has been parked illegally using an official truck, to a place from which the driver has to pay to pick it up: You're not allowed to park here - your car will be ... away.
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You're not allowed to park here - your car will be towed away.
It'll save time if we go by...
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cab, taxi
It'll save time if we go by cab.
dziękuję chłopie
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thanks man, thanks pal
muszę lecieć
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I better run
okantować, naciągnąć
to trick someone into giving you money, usually in an illegal way: He was ... out of $500 in what he thought was a legitimate way to get US immigration papers.
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He was scammed out of $500 in what he thought was a legitimate way to get US immigration papers.
a small piece of sticky cloth or plastic that you use to cover and protect a cut in the skin: Put a ... on it so that it doesn't get infected.
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plaster, band-aid
Put a plaster on it so that it doesn't get infected.
w potrzebie
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in need
wyleciało mi z głowy
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it slipped my mind
a building where monks or nuns live or used to live. Some abbeys are now used as churches: Westminster...
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Westminster Abbey
lekko, z łatwością, z palcem w nosie
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hands down
easily annoyed and complaining: You're very ... today. What's bothering you?
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You're very crabby today. What's bothering you?
z zamiarem kupna
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in the market for
obczaj to
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check this out
to jest to
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that's the stuff
mnie się podoba
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I like it
wpasować się
to belong with other things, or to be accepted by other people in a group:
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fit in
jak to? Dlaczego? (ze zdziwieniem)
Then ... no one here anywhere is wearing one?
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How come?
Then how come no one here anywhere is wearing one?
na łonie natury
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in nature
the activity of going for long walks in the countryside: We're going ... in the Sierra Nevada.
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We're going hiking in the Sierra Nevada.
a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground
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podróżować autostopem
to travel by getting free rides in someone else's vehicle: They ... to Paris.
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They hitchhiked to Paris.
skoki ze spadochronem
a sport in which a person jumps from an aircraft and falls for as long as possible before opening a parachute
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park rozrywki
a theme park, a place where people can go to enjoy games, rides, and other activities
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amusement park
park wodny
a large area containing several different pools, usually with equipment and activities for swimmers, that visitors pay to use
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water park
świeżo wyciskany sok
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freshly squeezed juice
w cieniu
slight darkness caused by something blocking the direct light from the sun: The children played ... of a large beach umbrella.
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in the shade
The children played in/under the shade of a large beach umbrella.
podziwiać widoki
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enjoy the sights
the speed at which someone or something moves, or with which something happens or changes: a slow/fast...
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a slow/fast pace
mieć dużo do zaoferowania
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have a lot to offer
zabytek historyczny
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historic landmark
something that is necessary: If you live in the country a car is...
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a must
If you live in the country a car is a must.
przewodnik (książka)
a book that gives information for visitors about a place, such as a city or country: a ... to Montreal
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a guidebook to Montreal
wycieczka z przewodnikiem
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guided tour
przewodnik (osoba która oprowadza)
a person whose job is showing a place or a particular route to visitors:
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a book used by students when they do a particular course of study
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plan wycieczki
a detailed plan or route of a journey: The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your...
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The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.
przerwa na toaletę
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bathroom break
pomyśleć z wyprzedzeniem
to think carefully about what might happen in the future, or to make plans for things you want to do in the future: he new year is a natural time to ... and make plans for the future.
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think ahead
he new year is a natural time to think ahead and make plans for the future.
nie wychodzić
to ... your home: Let's ... tonight and watch a movie.
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stay in
Let's stay in tonight and watch a movie.
dla zabicia czasu
to do something to keep busy while waiting: We ... in the airport playing cards.
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to pass the time
We passed the time in the airport playing cards.
a thief who steals things out of pockets or bags, especially in a crowd; Someone ... my wallet.
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Someone pickpocketed my wallet.
pytać o drogę
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ask for directions
nervous or confused because you are worried about something: Tania seems very ... at the moment - I think she's worried about her brother.
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Tania seems very distracted at the moment - I think she's worried about her brother.
An ... document, ticket, law, etc. is not legally or officially acceptable: I'm afraid your driving licence is ... in Eastern Europe.
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I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.
to take money or property illegally from a place, organization, or person, often using violence: The terrorists financed themselves by ... banks.
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The terrorists financed themselves by robbing banks.
quick to see, understand, and act in a particular situation: A couple of ... readers posted comments on the website pointing out the mistake.
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A couple of alert readers posted comments on the website pointing out the mistake.
chwycić, chwyt (mocno)
to hold very tightly: The baby ... my finger with her tiny hand.
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The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.
ledwie znają angielski
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they hardly speak english
mime: It's an evening of music, drama and...
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It's an evening of music, drama and pantomime.
język migowy
a system of hand and body movements representing words, used by and to people who cannot hear or talk
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sign language
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Przepraszam, gdzie jest nabliższa damska toaleta?
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Excuse me, would you mind telling me where the nearest ladies' room is, please?
Proszę powiedzieć, jakie serwują państwo dania wegetariańskie?
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I'd like to know about your vegeterian options, please.
Przepraszam, Jak dostanę się do zamku?
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Excuse me, how can I get to the castle?
skorzystajmy z tego niesamowitego miasta
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let's take advantage of this amazing city
To słynny na całym świecie...
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This is the world-famous...
dziedzictwo kulturowe
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cultural heritage
miejsce historyczne
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historic site
miejsce archeologiczne
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archaeological site
pomnik, pamiątka (budynek, budowla w innym kształcie)
a structure or building that is built to honour a special person or event: In the square in front of the hotel stands a ... to all the people killed in the war.
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In the square in front of the hotel stands a monument to all the people killed in the war.
pomnik, statua, figura (z podobizną kogoś)
an object made from a hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like a person or animal: A ... has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday.
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A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday.
wycieczka (całodniowy wypad za miasto, miejsce wypoczynku)
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wakacje z własynm wyżywieniem
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self-catering holiday
wynająć rower
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rent a bike
wynająć hulajnogę/skuter
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rent a scooter
ogród botaniczny
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Botanical Garden
tematyczny park rozrywki
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theme park
dać się okantować
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get scammed
Specjalna cena dla ciebie
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Special price for you
a small animal that lives in rivers and is similar to a lobster, or its flesh eaten as food
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to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently: The ferry service has been ... for the day because of bad weather.
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The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
to cause something to break noisily into a lot of small pieces: Rioters ran through the city, ... windows and looting shops.
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Rioters ran through the city, smashing windows and looting shops.
an animal that lives in the sea and has a long body covered with a hard shell, two large claws, and eight legs, or its flesh when used as food
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wydajny, skuteczny
working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way:
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a small animal covered in fur with a long tail... climb trees and feed on nuts and seeds.
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a small animal covered in fur with a long tail. Squirrels climb trees and feed on nuts and seeds.
szalik, chustka, apaszka
a strip, square, or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head, or shoulders to keep you warm or to make you look attractive:
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badać, odkrywać
to search and discover (about something): The best way to ... the countryside is on foot.
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The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
talia kart
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a deck of cards

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