My lesson

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He chased Kevin halfway up the stairs.
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Ele perseguiu Kevin a meio caminho das escadas.
He handed the teacher a slip of paper.
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Ele entregou à professora um pedaço de papel.
The ship was heading for Cuba.
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O navio estava indo para Cuba.
The headquarters of the United Nations.
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A sede das Nações Unidas.
Did you turn the heater off?
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Você desligou o aquecedor?
He bent and touched his mouth to hers.
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Ele se curvou e tocou sua boca com a dela.
She turned the handle and slowly opened the door.
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Ela virou a alça e abriu lentamente a porta.
I thought he handled the situation very well.
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Eu pensei que ele tratava a situação muito bem.
First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.
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Os visitantes pela primeira vez na França encontrarão este guia particularmente útil.
His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
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Sua mãe era italiana, daí o nome dele - Luca.
We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
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Não conseguimos obter financiamento e, portanto, devemos abandonar o projeto.
The thorn was embedded in her thumb.
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O espinho estava embutido no polegar.
He crumpled up the letter and flung it into the fire.
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Ele amassou a carta e atirou no fogo.
The landlord has given her carte blanche to redecorate the living room.
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O proprietário deu sua carta branca para redecorar a sala de estar.
Nelson Mandela was a truly remarkable man.
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Nelson Mandela era um homem verdadeiramente notável.
I've put a T-shirt on under my sweater for extra warmth.
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Eu coloquei uma camiseta sob meu suéter para um calor extra.
She has a different wardrobe for every occasion.
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Ela tem um guarda roupa diferente para cada ocasião.
She wouldn’t dare go out alone there at night.
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Ela não ousaria sair sozinha lá à noite.
He blamed the political fallout from the scandal on the Republicans.
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Ele culpou a precipitação política do escândalo dos republicanos.
The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
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O pássaro me observou com suspeita enquanto caminhava até o seu ninho.
Middleman is a person who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them and makes a profit by selling them to a store or a user.
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Middleman é uma pessoa que compra bens da pessoa que faz ou cresce e ganha lucro vendendo-os para uma loja ou um usuário.
Now that I have my dream job, for the first time in my life I feel really fulfilled.
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Agora que tenho o trabalho dos meus sonhos, pela primeira vez na minha vida me sinto realmente cumprida.
There are a lot of hurdles to overcome before the contract can be signed.
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Há muitos obstáculos a superar antes que o contrato possa ser assinado.

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