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She was acquitted of all the charges against her.
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Ela foi absolvida de todas as acusações contra ela.
Oath means a formal promise.
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Juramento significa promessa formal.
Affordable housing.
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Habitação a preços acessíveis.
Glauber set about making his planning.
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Glauber começou a fazer seu planejamento.
Glauber is a likeable guy. He knows everyone.
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Glauber é um cara simpático. Ele conhece todos.
The pace of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster.
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O ritmo de mudança em nossas vidas está se tornando cada vez mais rápido.
I forgot to pack my razor.
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Eu esqueci de arrumar minha navalha.
A packet of envelopes.
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Um pacote de envelopes.
Press on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.
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Pressione a ferida com uma grande almofada de algodão.
A can of blue paint.
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Uma lata de tinta azul.
A frying pan.
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Uma frigideira.
The parcel was delivered last week.
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O pacote foi entregue na semana passada.
The British Empire was at its peak in the mid 19th century.
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O Império britânico estava no auge em meados do século XIX.
A ballpoint pen.
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Uma caneta esferográfica.
At what age can you start drawing your pension?
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A que idade você pode começar a desenhar sua pensão?
Senior military personnel.
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Pessoal militar sênior.
Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15.
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Os alunos devem escolher três cursos de uma lista de 15.
Would you like another piece of apple pie?
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Gostaria de outro pedaço de torta de maçã?
Her hair was pinned back.
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Seu cabelo estava fixado de volta.
Add two pints of water to the mixture.
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Adicione dois pinos de água à mistura.
It’s a pity that he didn’t accept the job.
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É uma pena que ele não tenha aceitado o trabalho.
It was plain that Giles was not going to agree.
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Estava claro que Giles não iria concordar.
A plot to bomb the UN headquarters.
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Um plano para bombardear a sede da ONU.
A telephone pole.
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Um poste de telefone.
A recent poll found that 80% of Californians support the governor.
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Uma pesquisa recente descobriu que 80% dos californianos apoiam o governador.
My cousins from across the pond.
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Meus primos do outro lado da lagoa.
Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.
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Os funcionários afirmam que o produto químico não representa uma ameaça real.
She poured coffee for everyone.
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Ela serviu de café para todos.
Schools may earn extra money by renting out their premises.
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As escolas podem ganhar dinheiro extra ao alugar suas instalações.
Prompt action must be taken.
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Ação rápida deve ser tomada.
I see no prospect of things improving here.
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Não vejo perspectivas de melhorar as coisas aqui.
You can borrow the car, providing I can have it back by six o'clock.
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Você pode emprestar o carro, desde que eu possa recuperá-lo às seis horas.
Chocolate pudding.
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Pudim de chocolate.
Mom! Davey’s pulling my hair!
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Mamãe! Davey está puxando meu cabelo!
She plans to pursue a career in politics.
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Ela planeja prosseguir uma carreira na política.
She took a couple of headache tablets.
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Ela tomou alguns comprimidos de dor de cabeça.
Tales of adventure.
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Contos de aventura.
Tap water is usually heavily treated with chemicals.
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A água da torneira geralmente é fortemente tratada com produtos químicos.
Be careful not to tear the paper.
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Tenha cuidado para não rasgar o papel.
Is there anything good on telly tonight?
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Existe alguma coisa boa na televisão esta noite?
We looked for a flat spot where we could pitch our tent.
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Nós procuramos um ponto plano onde poderíamos lançar nossa barraca.
I must have my eyes tested.
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Eu tenho que testar meus olhos.
It was quite a large fish – about that long.
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Era um grande peixe - por tanto tempo.
Tie this label to your suitcase.
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Amarre esta etiqueta na sua mala.
Bathroom tiles.
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Azulejos do banheiro.
An old tin bath.
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Um antigo banho de lata.
He kissed the tip of her nose.
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Ele beijou a ponta do nariz.
His helmet had tipped forward and the boy pushed it back.
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Seu capacete inclinou-se para a frente e o menino empurrou-o de volta.
He stubbed his toe on a rock.
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Ele tapou o pé na rocha.
The waiter brought drinks on a tray.
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O garçom trouxe bebidas em uma bandeja.
Steven took his son to a cricket match as a birthday treat.
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Steven levou seu filho para uma partida de cricket como um presente de aniversário.
Both sides have agreed to sign the treaty.
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Ambos os lados concordaram em assinar o tratado.
Pretending he doesn’t remember is an old trick of his.
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Fingir que ele não se lembra é um velho truque dele.
The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.
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A proporção de pessoal de enfermagem para médicos é de 2: 1.
Boats are readily available to visitors.
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Barcos estão prontamente disponíveis para os visitantes.
Keep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.
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Mantenha o seu recibo caso queira trazê-lo de volta.
Do you reckon he’ll agree to see us?
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Você acha que ele concordará em nos ver?
Unfortunately, a local journalist overheard the remark.
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Infelizmente, um jornalista local ouviu a observação.
Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.
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Os sobreviventes do acidente foram resgatados por helicóptero.
Illness forced his resignation.
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A doença forçou sua renúncia.
Don't resign. There is just more one step.
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Não se demite. Há apenas mais um passo.
The public’s response to our appeal for help.
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A resposta do público ao nosso apelo à ajuda.
Strikes have cost £20 million in lost revenues.
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As greves custaram £ 20 milhões em receitas perdidas.
The decision was reversed on appeal.
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A decisão foi revertida em recurso.
I rang the doorbell but no one came.
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Liguei a campainha, mas ninguém veio.
The sails ripped under the force of the wind.
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As velas rasgadas sob a força do vento.
A row of houses.
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Uma fileira de casas.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
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Ela bocejou e esfregou os olhos.
A rubber ball.
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Uma bola de borracha.
A rubbish bin.
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Uma lixeira.
A small girl rushed past her.
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Uma menina pequena passou por ela.

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