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Fancy a quick drink, Emma?
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Gostaria de uma bebida rápida, Emma?
Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.
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Harry me levou para um restaurante elegante para o nosso aniversário.
Both countries seem to favour the agreement.
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Ambos os países parecem favorecer o acordo.
The exhibition features paintings by Picasso.
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A exposição apresenta pinturas de Picasso.
My fellow Americans.
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Meus companheiros americanos.
Don't jump the fence.
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Não puxe a cerca.
Government figures underestimate the problem.
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As cifras do governo subestimam o problema.
The house was filthy, with clothes and newspapers strewn everywhere.
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A casa estava imunda, com roupas e jornais espalhados por toda parte.
The sofa cushions are fairly firm.
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As almofadas do sofá são bastante firmes.
Houses with flat roofs.
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Casas com telhados planos.
A freshwater fish with firm white flesh.
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Um peixe de água doce com carne branca firme.
He struggled to swim against the flow of the water.
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Ele lutou para nadar contra o fluxo da água.
I’m sure there are some folk who would rather they weren’t here.
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Tenho certeza de que algumas pessoas gostariam de não estarem aqui.
A fortnight’s holiday.
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Um feriado de quinze dias.
He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table.
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Ele se inclinou para a frente, seus cotovelos descansando sobre a mesa.
Frankly, I think the Internet is overrated.
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Francamente, acho que a Internet está superestimada.
Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.
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Visitar a Disneyland realizou um sonho de infância.
A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.
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Um porta-voz se recusou a comentar até que a evidência pudesse ser estudada ainda mais.
James said he’d better be getting back or there’d be a fuss.
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James disse que seria melhor que voltasse ou haveria um barulho.
They immediately impressed the judges.
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Eles imediatamente impressionaram os juízes.
The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father.
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Os exames de sangue provam que Vince é de fato o pai.
An infant’s skin is very sensitive.
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A pele do bebê é muito sensível.
A test of inner strength.
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Um teste de força interior.
Mike insisted that he was right.
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Mike insistiu que ele estava certo.
Your father took out insurance to cover the mortgage.
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Seu pai tomou seguro para cobrir a hipoteca.
A third of accidental deaths occur in the home.
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Um terço das mortes acidentais ocorrem em casa.
The neighbors thought him very odd.
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Os vizinhos achavam muito estranho.
The odds are that he will commit the same crime again.
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As chances são de que ele cometeu o mesmo crime novamente.
You really ought to quit smoking.
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Você realmente deve parar de fumar.
If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn’t believe him!
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Se você tivesse um pouco de senso, você não acreditaria nele!
It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.
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Era impossível prever o resultado da eleição.
Output is up 30% on last year.
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A produção aumentou 30% em relação ao ano passado.
An outstanding example of a 13th-century castle.
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Um excelente exemplo de um castelo do século XIII.
The overall cost of the exhibition was £400,000.
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O custo total da exposição foi de £ 400,000.
He struggled to overcome his shyness.
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Ele lutou para superar sua timidez.
A dispute over the ownership of the land.
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Uma disputa sobre a propriedade da terra.

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