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Housing is expensive in this city.
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A habitação é dispendiosa nesta cidade.
The whole household was asleep.
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Toda a família estava dormindo.
She held the baby in her arms.
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Ela segurou o bebê em seus braços.
Holders of shares in the company receive various benefits.
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Os detentores de ações da empresa recebem vários benefícios.
A highly intelligent child.
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Uma criança altamente inteligente.
Washing and internet facilities.
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Lavagem e facilidades de internet.
Do you fancy a drink?
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Você gosta de uma bebida?
That dress is too fancy for a little girl.
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Esse vestido é muito elegante para uma meninazinha.
I fancied him the first time I saw him.
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Achei-o na primeira vez que o vi.
A fashionably dressed young man.
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Um homem jovem elegantemente vestido.
She grabbed Anna's arm, her fingers sinking into the flesh.
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Ela agarrou o braço de Anna, seus dedos afundando na carne.
The accident was not my fault.
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O acidente não foi minha culpa.
He seemed like a decent sort of a fellow.
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Ele parecia um tipo decente de um colega.
That big coat hides her figure.
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Esse casaco grande esconde sua figura.
Your filthy clothes are disgusting.
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Suas roupas sujas são nojentas.
Is the date of the wedding fixed yet?
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A data do casamento ainda está marcada?
The river flows to the sea.
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O rio flui para o mar.
Of the two suggestions, I prefer the former.
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Das duas sugestões, eu prefiro o primeiro.
A fortnight’s holiday.
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Um feriado de quinze dias.
A window frame.
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Um quadro de janela.
I finally fufilled my ambition.
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Eu finalmente consegui minha ambição.
The charity closed down due to lack of funds.
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A caridade fechou devido à falta de fundos.
What’s all the fuss about?
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Sobre o que é todo o barulho?
I was the only one in uniform and I stuck out like a sore thumb.
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Eu era o único em uniforme e resolvi como um polegar dolorido.
A hollow shell.
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Uma concha oca.
Mix the butter and sugar together until smooth.
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Misture a manteiga e o açúcar juntas até ficarem lisas.

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