marriage story 2

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start learning
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tu sois la
start learning
you are there
on est ravis
start learning
we are delighted
start learning
il s'assure
start learning
he makes sure
que tout soit réalisé
start learning
let everything be done/ Let it all come true
le emménagement
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moving in
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on en reparle
start learning
we'll discuss it again later
il ne lâchait rien
start learning
he never let go
vous m'engagez
start learning
you hire me
je travaillerai
start learning
I will work
sans relâche pour vous
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tirelessly for you
je travaillerai sans relâche pour vous
start learning
I will work tirelessly for you
Ils se lassent de nous
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They get tired of us
ça n'ira qu'en s'arrangeant
start learning
it will only work out
ça n'ira qu'en s'arrangement
start learning
it will only work by arrangement
start learning
je vivais à LA
start learning
I lived in LA
start learning
to marry
c'était engagé
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it was committed
ça satisfaisait les mêmes pulsions
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it satisfied the same impulses
pornos tordus
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twisted porns
tu les verras
start learning
you will see them
tout les monde te salue
start learning
everyone greets you
ours hirsute
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shaggy bear
vous repartirez
start learning
you will leave
il s'est avéré
start learning
it has been found
le metteur
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the director
on a passé
start learning
we spent
je ne suis pas partie
start learning
I have not left
je ne suis pas repartie
start learning
I did not leave
mais plus ça allait
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but the more it went
ça aurait pu me convenir
start learning
that could have suited me
je me raboigrissais
start learning
I was getting fat
je nourrissais sa vie à lui
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I nourished his life
il intégrait dans ses œuvres
start learning
he incorporated into his works
ils n'appartiennent qu'à eux memes
start learning
they belong only to themselves
je ne m'appartenais pas
start learning
I did not belong
je ne connaissais plus mes propres gout
start learning
I no longer knew my own taste
la question ne se posait pas
start learning
the question did not arise
j'ai emménagé
start learning
I moved in
une bouée de sauvetage
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a lifeline
ce petit bout de terre qui m'appartient
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this little piece of land that belongs to me
j'en avais honte
start learning
I was ashamed
je vaux
start learning
I am worth
tu aies ton petit bout de terre
start learning
you have your little piece of land
il s'en est moqué
start learning
he didn't care
il ne me voyait pas
start learning
he didn't see me
je suis partie
start learning
I left
pourvu que
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provided that
tu aies raisons
start learning
you are right
pourvu que tu aies raisons
start learning
as long as you are right
la régisseuse
start learning
the stage manager
il a couché
start learning
he slept
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to delegate
je l'ai torchée
start learning
I torched it
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assign it
fais les monter
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bring them up
on peut le deassigner
start learning
we can assign it
il veut récupérer
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he wants to recover
arrête de voir jeff
start learning
stop seeing jeff
je transpire des mains
start learning
I sweat from my hands
je m'en occupe
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I'm taking care of it
tu trempes
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you dip
je pose l'enveloppe
start learning
I put the envelope
le grille pain
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the toaster
ce canapé se déplie
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this sofa unfolds
j'ai reçu un SMS en atterrissant
start learning
I received an SMS when landing
j'ai remporté
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I won
la bourse des génies
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the stock exchange of geniuses
c'est mérité
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It is deserved
je meurs de faim
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I'm starving
régler nos dettes
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settle our debts
on reprend à peine
start learning
we barely resume

See related flashcards:

Real Marriage story

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