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what is a control statement start learning
Statements that provide capabilities such as selecting among alternative control flow paths or causing the repeated execution of certain collection of statements
what are selection statments start learning
[1] Selection statements: choose between two or more execution paths in a program. [2] Two-way selection statements: select one of two execution paths [3] Multiple-selection statements: select one of many execution paths,
give an example of Two-way selection statements start learning
give an example of Multiple-selection statements: start learning
what are Iterative Statements start learning
[1] Mechanism for the repeated execution of a statement or a compound statement. [2] It is implemented either by various loops (iteration) or recursion
whata re the 2 forms of Logically-Controlled Loops start learning
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Pre-test: Loop condition is tested before execution of loop body. In most languages: while loop. Pascal: while ... do.
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Post-test: loop body is executed before condition is tested. Loop body is executed at least one time. Normally: do ... while. In Pascal: repeat ... until.
what is Unconditional Branching start learning
statements that change control follow without any condition
give some examples of unconditional branching statmens start learning
break, continue, and return.
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break provides unconditional exits from loops.
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continue skips the remainder of the current iteration, but does not exit the loop.
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return terminates function/method calls.
what does an Unlabelled break break do start learning
An unlabelled break statement terminates switch, for, while, or do-while statement. It terminates the innermost of such statements when they are nested.
What does a labled break do? start learning
A labeled break terminates an labelled statement and control flow is transferred to the statement immediately following the labelled (terminated) control statement.