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non è piovuto ieri
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it didn't rain yesterday
non andare via
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don't go away
non sono arrivati
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they haven't arrived
non sono andato in banca
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I didn't go to the bank
lei non vive qui
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she doesn't live here
non ho cenato
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I haven't had dinner
non ti credo
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I don't believe you
vorresti qualcosa da mangiare? no grazie non ho fame
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would you like something to eat? no thanks I'm not hungry
non riesco a trovare i miei occhiali, li hai visti?
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I can't find my glasses, have you seen them?
dov'è jane? non lo so, non l'ho vista oggi
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Where is jane? I don't know, I haven't seen her today
siamo andati al cinema l'altra notte. Il film non mi è piaciuto molto
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we went to the cinema last night, I didn't like the film very much
sono stato in Giappone molte volte ma non sono stato in Korea
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I have been to Japan many times but I haven't been to Korea
Julia non sarà qui domani, lei andrà via
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Julia won't be here tomorrow. She is going away
chi ha rotto quella finestra? non io. Non l'ho fatto
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who broke that window? not me. I didn't do it
non abbiamo visto cosa è successo l'altra sera. Non stavamo guardando al momento
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we didn't see what appened last night. We weren't looking at the time
lisa ha comprato un nuovo cappotto qualche giorno fa ma non l'ha ancora indossato
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Lisa bought a new coat a few days ago but hasn't worn it yet
non dovresti guidare cosi forte, è pericoloso
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you shouldn't drive so hard, it's dangerous

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