Inglés 2

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soy muy consciente de nuestras estatutos/normas
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i am well aware about our bylaws
Burlar, incumplir
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to flout (ed)
Al tanto, consciente
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Habiendo escrito bastantes de ellos mismos
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Having written quite a few of them myself
Diferencia less and fewer
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Less es incontable y fewer contable
mi ciudad está más lejos que la tuya
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My town is farther than yours
En realidad, es un poco mas lejos
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Actually it's a bit farther
Farther y further
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farther es distancia fisica y further es metaforica
su locura ha ido mucho más lejos este año
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His madness has gone much further this year
Mas amplio
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to melt
esfumarse, dispersarse
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melt away
Esta calle es estrecha
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this street is very narrow
Incapaz de influir en los demas
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Unable to sway the others
Vete antes de que pierdas el tren
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Now off you go before you miss the train
Ese parque esta al lado de un colegio
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That park is beside a school
Al lado, junto a
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Ademas, aparte
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El azúcar tiene otros usos aparte de endulzar
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Sugar has others uses besides sweeten
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Observar, contemplar
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Es aterrador contemplar un cadaver
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Its terrifying to behold a corpse
Asunto, aventura, romance
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Escalofriante, misterioso
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Por tanto, por eso
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La UE deberia mostrar liderazgo
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The EU should therefore demonstrate ladership
Ingenio, astucia
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No es un juego de ingenio
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This isn't a game of wits
Maldito, sangriento
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El mundo se ha convertido en un maldito chiste
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The world has become a bloody joke
Asesinar, matar
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To slay
Te ha asesinado un jugador
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You have been slain by a player
Silenciosamente, tranquilamente
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Deberiamos ir mas seguido
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We ought go more often
Tampoco, ni
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Nuestra region no es españa ni portugal
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Our region is neither spain nor portugal
Que asco!
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Falta, ausencia
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Un grave problema es la falta de coherencia politica
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One serious problem is lack of policy coherence
Cojear, cojera
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To limp (ed)
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Inmiscuirse, meterse, entrometer
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no voy a meterme en sus relaciones
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i will no longer meddle in their relationship
Yacer, mentir, tumbar
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To lie
Donde reside tu lealtad
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Where your loyalty lie?
Ha sido un placer (delicia) participar en el trabajo
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It has been a delight to participate in tje work
de hecho, ese deseo parece abrumador
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Indeed, that desire seems overwhelming
deseo, voluntad
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Abrumar, arrollar, aplastar
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Pese a, no obstante, a pesar
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Se dirigen al bosque oscuro
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They are heading to the dark forest
Terrible, espantoso
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Un avion enemigo se dirigía directo hacia nosotros
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Enemy aircraft headed straight for us
Sigue recto hasta la siguiente calle
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Go straight to the next street
Directo, directamente, derecho, recto
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Straight away
Yo he pertenecido a ese grupo
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I have belonged to that group
Aprender, enterarse, averiguar
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To learn (find out- descubrir)
Cuando ella se enteró de eso, se cabreó
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When she learned about that, she got mad
Considerar conveniente, parezca
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as (i, you...) see fit
por tanto, haz lo que te parezca, hasta entonces
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so, do as you see fit until then
mi única preocupación ha sido siempre este colegio
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My sole concern have always been this school
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Ha decidido actuar a traves de alguien mas
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He has chosen to act through somebody else
Navegar, zarpar
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To sail
que cantidad de basura
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what a loads of rubbish
Los he visto jugando 7 horas seguidas
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I've seen them playing 7 hours straight (in a row)
Llovió durante 2 meses seguidos
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It rained for two month straight (in a row)
Incumplir, violar, infringir
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to breach (ed)
Lo denunció por incumplimiento de contrato
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He reported him for breach of contract
las plantas se inclinan lentamente en direccion a la luz
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plants lean slowly toward the light
apoyar, inclinar
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To lean
Dejale apoyar su peso sobre ti
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Let her lean her weight on you
Adelante, hacia adelante
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Necesitamos un gran salto hacia delante
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We need a great leap forward
salto, brinco
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to leap
Habitar, vivir
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no deberías vivir en el pasado
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You shouldn't dwell in the past
Por tanto, por consiguiente
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Ha perdido el juicio, pobre hombre
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He has lost his wits(ingenio), poor fellow
Puro, gran, enorme
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Por tanto, es de puro sentido comun luchar por la igualdad
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It is therefore sheer common sense to fight for equality
no puedo soportarlo
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I can't stand it
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Como tal
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as such
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Un trago de brandy te calentara esos huesos
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A nip of brandy will warm up those bones
Estupideces, paparruchas
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tener cuidado
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somnoliento, adormecido
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Ahorrar, escatimar
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To spare (ed)
Mas de una vida inocente podría salvarse (se refiere que podria ahorrarse/ evitarse)
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more than one inocent life could be spared
Lo tragimos directamente aqui
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We brought it straight here
reivindicar, reclamar
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Birlar, colarse, sigiloso
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que te den
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screw you
enfermará solo por estar aqui
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She'll get sick just for being here
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Sneak out
me voy contigo
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i'm coming with you
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calm down
Estallar, explotar
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Blow up
Soplar, volar
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To blow, blew, blown
Disuadir, disuasion
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Deter, deterrence
Dudar, vacilar
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