ćw. wymowy (LANGvokal + 1 konsonant, KORTvokal + 2 konsonanter)

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to read/ to load
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læse/ læsse
a kind of fish net/ Russian
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ruser/ russer
pouring down/ too late (old Danish)
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sile/ silde
heels/ to pour (ex. a cup of coffe)
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hæle/ at hælde (f. eks. en kop kaffe)
horse mouth? / muł?
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mulle/ mule
to cool sth down/ a club
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at køle / en kølle
to rest/ to want
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at hvile/ at ville
a rooster/ Hanna;)
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en hane/ Hanne
a wedge (klin)/ to tickle (łaskotać)
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en kile (klin)/ at kilde
vowel length
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consonant length
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