around along through

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camminammo da casa mia alla stazione
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we walked from my house to the station
molte parole vengono dal latino
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many words come from the Latin
un uomo venne fuori dalla casa e entrò nella macchina
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a man came out of the house and got into the car
perchè stai guardando fuori dalla finestra?
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why are you looking out the window?
ho tirato fuori le vecchie batterie dalla radio
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I took out the old batteries from the radio
ho messo le nuove batterie nella radio
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I put the new batteries in the radio (non si usa "into")
tira via i piedi dal tavolo
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take your feet off the table
appendo i quadri al muro
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I hang the paintings on the wall
non cadere dalla bicicletta
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don't fall off the bike
sono sceso dal bus e sono salito in macchina
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I got off the bus and got into the car
non cadere dalle scale
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don't fall down the stairs
l'aereo volò oltre la montagna
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the plane flew over the mountain
è sfortunato camminare sotto una scala
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It is unlucky to walk under a ladder
l'uccello volò dentro la stanza attraverso la finestra
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the bird flew into the room through the window
la strada gira attorno al paese
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the road goes round the village
la fermata dell'autobus è appena dietro l'angolo
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the bus stop is just around the corner
ho camminato lungo la strada
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I walked along the road
vai sotto il ponte, vai sulla collina e scendi i gradini
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go under the bridge, go up the hill and go down the steps
vai fuori dall'hotel, oltrepassa il negozio
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Go out of the hotel, go past the shop
vai oltre il ponte e attraversa il parco
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go over the bridge and go through the park
un libro cadde dalla mensola
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a book fell off the shelf
l'aereo volò oltre il paese
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the plane flew over the country
la donna scese dalla macchina
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the woman got out of the car
loro entrarono in casa attraverso la finestra
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they got into the house through the window
tira fuori la chiave dalla borsa
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take the key out of the bag

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