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Question American English Answer American English
How did he feel after the loss?
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A feeling of deep distress caused by loss or misfortune.
He was filled with deep sorrow after hearing the tragic news.
Stay Buried Forever
What happens to old secrets?
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Remain hidden and undisclosed indefinitely.
Some secrets stay buried forever, never coming to light.
How did the criticism affect her?
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To cause sharp emotional or physical pain.
The harsh words really stung, leaving her feeling hurt.
How did he walk into the room?
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Walking with a proud, confident gait.
He came strutting in, looking very confident and self-assured.
Studying the Hundreds of Dials and Gauges
How did the pilot prepare for the flight?
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Carefully examining numerous instruments and indicators.
He spent hours studying the hundreds of dials and gauges in the cockpit.
Stumble Over Your Words
How did she do during her speech?
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Speaking with frequent mistakes or hesitations.
She was so nervous that she kept stumbling over her words.
Did the interviewer's question confuse you?
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To be unable to answer or solve something.
Yes, that question completely stumped me; I had no idea how to answer it.
Style without Substance is Awful
What do you think of the new design trend?
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Attractive appearance lacking real value or depth.
In my opinion, style without substance is awful; it looks good but lacks practicality.
Do you need more information?
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To be enough or adequate.
No, the details you provided will suffice for now.
Tease Us
What did the movie trailer do?
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To entice or provoke interest without giving away too much.
The trailer did a great job of teasing us with glimpses of the action and drama to come.
Think Outside the Box
How can we solve this complex problem?
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To approach a situation creatively and unconventionally.
We need to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.
To My Utter Amazement
How did you react to the surprise party?
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An expression of complete surprise and astonishment.
To my utter amazement, all my friends and family were there to celebrate with me.
How did he look when he received the news?
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Shaking involuntarily due to emotion or cold.
He was trembling with excitement and nerves.
Turned Your Way
How did the audience respond during the Q&A session?
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Directed their attention towards you.
Several members of the audience turned your way, eager to hear your response.
What kind of person is she?
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Modest and not seeking attention.
She's very unassuming, never drawing attention to herself despite her accomplishments.
Visited by the Echoes of Lingering Trauma
How does he feel about his past experiences?
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Continually affected by past traumatic events.
He's often visited by the echoes of lingering trauma, which affects his daily life.
How would you describe the new art exhibit?
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Playful or fanciful behavior or art.
The exhibit is full of whimsy, with playful and imaginative pieces.
Who Do You Go To?
When you need advice, who do you go to?
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To whom do you turn for help or advice?
I usually go to my older brother for advice; he always knows what to say.
Explicitly Up Front
Did he hide his intentions?
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Very clear and direct about intentions.
No, he was explicitly up front about his goals from the beginning.
Funnily Enough
Did you find the coincidence amusing?
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Surprisingly and amusingly.
Funnily enough, I ran into an old friend just after mentioning him.

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