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to fail
I've failed this exam twice already.
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Also: feelschloen
Ech si schonn zwee Mol an dësem Examen duerchgefall.
to shake
She shook her head.
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Hatt huet säi Kapp gerëselt.
to build
I've built a house and planted a tree.
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Ech hunn en Haus gebaut an e Bam geplanzt.
to allow
My parents don't allow me to smoke.
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Also: zouloossen
Meng Elteren erlaben mir net ze fëmmen.
to sentence
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
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Hie gouf zu 10 Joer Prisong verurteelt.
to burn
I burned my finger while boiling eggs.
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Ech hu mäi Fanger beim Kachen vun den Eeër verbrannt.
to escape
It's impossible to escape from prison.
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Et ass onméiglech aus dem Prisong auszebriechen.
+43 flashcards
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"Top 500 Luxembourgish verbs"
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51 - 100101 - 150151 - 200201 - 250251 - 300301 - 350351 - 400401 - 450451 - 500

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