Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 951 - 1000 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 951 - 1000

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I lost my earrings.
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os brincos
Perdi os meus brincos.
The priest is French.
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o padre
O padre é francês.
My area is Mathematics.
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a área
A minha área é Matemática.
I bought a dictionary.
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o dicionário
Comprei um dicionário.
I bought a lamp.
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a lâmpada
Comprei uma lâmpada.
I have to improve my curriculum.
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o currículo
Tenho de melhorar o meu currículo.
I bought a frame.
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a moldura
Comprei uma moldura.
+43 flashcards
The lesson is part of the course
"Portuguese Words: Top 1000 Nouns"
(total 1,000 flashcards)

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The course also includes the following sets of flashcards:

Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 1 - 50 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 1 - 50Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 51 - 100 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 51 - 100Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 101 - 150 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 101 - 150Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 151 - 200 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 151 - 200Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 201 - 250 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 201 - 250Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 251 - 300 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 251 - 300Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 301 - 350 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 301 - 350Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 351 - 400 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 351 - 400Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 401 - 450 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 401 - 450Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 451 - 500 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 451 - 500Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 501 - 550 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 501 - 550Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 551 - 600 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 551 - 600Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 601 - 650 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 601 - 650Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 651 - 700 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 651 - 700Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 701 - 750 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 701 - 750Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 751 - 800 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 751 - 800Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 801 - 850 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 801 - 850Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 851 - 900 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 851 - 900Top 1000 Portuguese nouns 901 - 950 - Top 1000 Substantivos portugueses 901 - 950

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