1. set something up
English word "założyć coś"(set something up) occurs in sets:
Zakupy i Usługi sb p 14.01Unit 7 part 2 wordlistZAKUPY I USŁUGI podstawaunit 7 zakupy i usługiśrodki płatnicze2. put on
They put on activities or meetings every night of the week.
When I stopped running I put on 8 kilos.
put on glasses
It's bedtime. Go and put on your pyjamas.
Just remove everything and put on the gown. / 2. So put on something nice and be on time for a change.
My son can put on socks.
Some people will put on a smile and pretend to be friendly.
You should put on the electric oven for 15 minutes to warm it up.
They put on heavy jackets, woollen caps, gloves and scarves and went for long walks.
I don't see why you have to put on a phoney English accent.
When i come back from work i always put on my tracksuit
You should put on this beautiful dress I bought you last Monday.
increase in (weight)/Ha put on weight.
put on more speed; put the emergency brake on
Don’t forget to put on a cap, it’s cold outside.
English word "założyć coś"(put on) occurs in sets:
Elementary 8cpharsal verbs 23. hand in
I've decided to hand in my resignation
When i hand in my papers at the endof an exam i feel relieved that it's over.
He hand in his homework to his teacher.
‘Please hand in your homework tomorrow,’ said the teacher.
Can you hand in your homework, please?
When James was at university he always used to hand in his essays on time.
Please finish writing and hand in the poems.
if you hand in something such as your homework, you give it to your teacher. If you hand in your resignation or your notice, you tell your employer that you are going to leave your job
[Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel. // All essays must be handed in by Tuesday.]
All students had to hand in their essays by Friday.
When will you hand in your assignment?
hand in an essay
We should hand in our essays by Friday
4. found
It wasn't found.
We all searched high and low for the missing documents, but they were never found.
The students found the final examination to be a breeze.
Arriving at the station, I found the train had already left.
I thought we had eaten everything in the house, but I found another box of crackers.
The inland taipan, a snake found in Australia, is the most venomous snake in the world.
Allied military leaders found a way to defeat the Japanese plan.
When I visited my hometown this summer, I found the city different from what it had been ten years ago.
Where is the nearest lost and found?
We found out that the house is infested with garter snakes. They're everywhere.
The industrialist found a wealthy financier to help him weather the storm which was inevitable.
I've heard research has found that men are bigger liars than women.
I found out that Tom now has three citations for drunken driving.
I found out that the woman I thought was a nurse was actually a doctor.
Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?